Black Stone

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I let my eyes flutter open and the light light from the closed curtains reach my very tired e/c eyes. I sat up, stretching my arms over top my head and let out a yawn. The memories from yesterday quickly flooded into my and and I let out a sad sigh. 

"What's got your Nifflers in a twist?" A familiar voice asked from across the dorm. My turned to see Lily standing by the mirror adjusting her pony tail, while staring at me through the reflection of the mirror. 

"James and I had a fight yesterday and I'm a bit worried." I answered truthfully pulling my legs into my chest. Lily sighed and dropped her arms to her side as she walked over to my bed, sitting on the edge of it.

"What did you fight about?" She asked placing a hand on my arm. I sighed and rested my chin on my knee's my eyes still on the bed sheets.

"He said I kept to many secrets from him and stormed out. He said he needed to think." I explained and judging by her face she also that didn't mean good news. 

"Have you talked to him since?" She asked, a small hopefully small smile appearing on her lips. I shook my head sadly and looked up at her.

"No, he walked out and I haven't seen him since. I just feel guilty." I admitted as I met her eyes. She sighed and pulled me into a much needed hug. I smiled and hugged her back happy to have someone like her to talk to.

"Maybe you should talk to him. Try to straighten things out with him. I know how much you two care about you each other and I'm sure if you explain to him, why you have secrets he will understand. He's stubborn but he'll listen." Lily suggested when we pulled away. I grinned and let go of my legs, swinging them over the side of the bed. I nodded and pushed myself off the bed.

"I think I will. I need to apologize tell him everything but Lily..... promise me something." I said turning back to my best friend.

"Anything." She said standing up next to me.

"Promise me you won't be alone today, alright. Promise to stay with Lucas today and maybe tomorrow. Don't go anywhere alone. Promise?" I asked taking her hands in mine.

"That's a strange promise, why? Is everything alright?" She asked giving my hands a slight squeeze. I took in a deep breath. If I tell her what happen than I can tell James. I thought as I looked down to the ground.

"The night that I ended up in the Hospital Wing, it wasn't for the reason I told everyone. It wasn't the reason I told you. I was attacked," I explained earning a sharp gasp from her," I was attacked by Julie Turner. She was jealous that James and I were together and she drug me into the girls bathroom and.... she made me swear never to tell anyone what she had done and she said if I did she would hurt you."

Lily's eyes widened and her grip on my hands tightened.

"I couldn't let them hurt you. Your the closest thing I've ever had to a sister and I couldn't bare to think of you going through what I did." I said quietly. A wave of silence washed over me and Lily and we both stood not saying a word to each other. Suddenly, I was swept into a massive hug and my eyes widened. Lily hugged me tightly and for a few seconds I stood their dumbfounded but once I came back to my senses hugged back.

"I can't believe you would do something like that for me." She said quietly. I smiled to myself and held tighter. It was true. Lily was the closest thing I've ever had for a sibling. The closest thing I've ever had to a loving family member. 

"I would do anything for you. That's the secret I wouldn't tell James. It was to keep you safe." I explained when she finally let me go. Her arms rested on my shoulders and she gave me a slightly squeeze.

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