Werewolves and Rats

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"James I'll be fine, I've done this just as much as you have." I sighed as James stilled paced the common room floor, his face and posture anxious and tense. You see, tonight was the first night I would be going with the boys to accompany Remus with his transformation, without hiding. I was a little nervous for tonight but I always was this was nothing new for me but James..... he was practically running himself into the ground with worry.

"Still! You never know what could happen! Anything could startle old Moony and the he might go after you and....." he rambled trailing off at the end, the thought of one of his best friends attacking me getting to him to much," I dont know what I would do if-"

"James. Look at me," I said walking towards him before cupping his face in my hands," I will be fine. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself and if it's any consolation you'll be there in case anything goes south."

"You bet I will, I'm not leaving your side." He said taking my hands in his. I giggled and rolled my eyes jokingly.

"You rarely do anyways, wont be much of a change now would it." I mocked. James let out a chuckle as he gazed down at my playfully.

"Dont be cheeky now." James said and without missing a beat he placed his lips on mine. I let out a squeak of surprise but pressed back anyways. My hands left his and went to the back of his neck. James's hands roamed my body going up and down my back leaving a trail of electricity with them. We pulled apart when air became a factor and were about to go again but we were pulled out of our trance my a sudden movement to our right. We both turned to see Sirius sitting on one of the armrests on the couches, eating a treacle tart staring right at us.

"Evening." He said in a low playful voice whilst toasting us with the tart. My face reddened and I buried my face into James's chest. James chuckled at my still reddening face and kissed the top of my head.

"Well then, if you two are done eating each others faces, then we can get going. Moony and Wormy have already left." Sirius said after he finished his treat. He walked past us shooting me a knowing look before exiting through the portrait hole.

"Your adorable when your embarrassed." James said once we untangled ourselves. I smacked his chest and rolled my eyes as together we made our way to the Whomping Willow.


We stood outside the massive tree along with a very exhausted Rmues, Peter, Professor Dumbledore, and Madam Pomfrey.

"About time you three! Mr. Lupin's transformation has already begun. You'd better hurry. Remember when you reach the shack to make him as comfortable as possible before he begins to grow," Madam Promfey stressed as she handed Remus's groaning and drowsy body to Sirius and James," Now off you go."

"Mah luck be with you five and I will be here to collect you in the morning." Dumbledore said laying a boney hand on Sirius's shoulder. We all nodded before the two teachers started back off towards the castle quickly disappearing from our sight. After the two had left we turned to Peter, who was nervously biting his finger nails.

"If you would do the honors, Womry." James joked, only for it to be lost when Remus left out a loud groan. Peter nodded hurriedly before beginning to shrink. His chubby cheeks, buck teeth, and beady eyes soon becoming the recognizable features of a rat. He squeaked once before scurrying off towards the tree and after a few moments its heavy branches and thick trunk became stiff and frozen.

We all smiled as we walked forwards towards our entrance. When we reached the hole leading to the what the locals now called, "The Shrieking Shack", I noticed Peter sitting my the knott in the tree, struggling to find away down. I giggled before reaching put towards him.

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