The Dance Pt 1

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It had been a week since I had left my mother's home and I had finally felt as though I didn't need to worry about going back. I felt free from my mother's drunken rage and abuse. 

Since we all had returned to our studies talk of the New Years Dance had floated around Hogwarts. I remembered my deal with Remus and I secretly hoped that it would come true, but all that changed one day.

James, Remus, and I walked down the long corridor of Hogwarts, heading to our potions class. The hallway was full of students. As we were walking I heard a mummers all around us.

"What do you suppose their talking about?" I asked, looking at the excited students.

"The dance, what else is there to talk about. Who are you going to ask, Moony?" James asked his hands in his pockets. Remus shrugged.

" Haley Johnson, although were just going as friends. Who are you taking, James?" Remus said giving me a glance. I eagerly awaited his answer, but he shrugged.

"I don't know." He said. I looked down at the ground, but still kept my hopes up. Ever since James had gifted me the neckless, I've felt like there might be something there. That he might actually like me. We all walked into the Great Hall and took our usual seats next to Sirius and Peter. Remus being to my right, Peter to my left, James in front of me, and Sirius to his right. Sirius and Peter had been in a deep conversation which stopped when we all sat down. I put my bag to my side as James sat down.

"So, what were you chaps talking about?" James asked leaning his head on his hand. 

"The girls we were taking to the dance, Prongsie." Sirius answered with a smirk. James's eyes went wide.

"Wormy, you got a date?" James said. Wormy tail nodded nervously and suddenly became very interested in his shoes.

"Who?" I asked, excited that he had finally pulled up enough courage to ask a girl.

"L-Lucy W-Wilson." He said nervously. I smiled at him.

"The Hufflepuff girl you sit next to? She's very pretty, good for you Peter." Remus said reaching past me and patting him on the back.

"Sirius who are you going with?" I asked looking at him.

"Angie Brooke." He answered. James threw his hands up in the air.

"How am I the only one who hasn't gotten a date!" He said loudly. I gigged at him and he stood.

"Where are you going?" Sirius asked.

"I'm going to ask someone to the dance obviously." He said. My heart dropped. I saw him look around the Gryffindor table and his eyes rested on a 4th year girl named, Julie Turner.

"Oi! Turner! Want to go to the dance with me?" James asked. She looked at him and then back at her friends. Please say no, please say no. I thought. She giggled and turned back to James.

"Sure!" She yelled back. He smiled and sat back down. I looked to the ground, tears forming behind my eyes. I grabbed my bag and stood.

"I'm going to the library." I said. The four looked at me, surprised by my sudden announcement. Remus knew why I was leaving and didn't say a word. James looked like he was about to say something else, but I turned on my heel and left. I walked down the hallway fighting tears, by the time I had made it to library a stay tear had escaped. I walked to my usual spot in the library which was the farthest from the entrance. I put my bag down and wiped the tears away. I was about to open my bag when I heard a cough from behind me. I turned to see Daniel leaning against one of the shelves.

"Oh, hello Daniel." I said, turning to face him. He smiled and walked towards me. I took a step back when he got a little to close. 

"So, have you heard about the dance?" He asked. I gulped and took another step back, but he took a step closer to me.

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