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We arrived at Hogwarts and were immediately pushed into the Great Hall. James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and I took our usual seats at the back of the Gryffindor, farthest from all the teachers. While, on the train I had cleaned up my nose and had managed to keep it off of everyone's minds, except James. Once we had sat down the sorting ceremony begun, but we didn't really pay much attention to it. 

"So, there's a full moon tomorrow, we all remember the drill. Sirius?" Remus said.

"My job is to be the one to keep you in check." He said, clearly bored.


"To help Sirius keep you in check." James answered, eyes still on me. I just picked at my food.


"To run under the Whomping Willow to freeze it so we can get in, and to keep a look out." Peter squeaked.

"And finally, Y/n."

"Nothing." I said poking at my food.

"Hey, it's not nothing." Sirius said trying to cheer me up.

"Sirius I appreciate your efforts at trying to make me feel better, but I literally stay in the dorm and do nothing until morning. Its nothing." I say not meeting the others eyes.

"Well, there's not much else you could do." Remus said sadly, he knew I wanted to come with them, but didn't want him to accidentally hurt me.

"Well, if you would let me become an animagus-" I began, but was cut off by James.

"No. It's to dangerous." He said sternly. The whole group was silenced. I stared at my plate not hungry. Little did the group know, I had my own plan for tomorrow night. Since, I had perfected my animagi form, they would not be going alone.         

(Time skip, tomorrow night. A full moon.)

I sat in the common room with the four boys. All of them were preparing for the long night by going over an last minute plans. Remus had taken 3 servings of his potion and was still nervous. He never wanted his friends to accompany him, but they had greatly insisted that they do. I was sitting next to James, nervously staring at the fire.

"Y/n, relax. We'll be fine." He said noticing my worried staring.

"Well see." I said. He placed a hand on mine and it calmed me. I loved the feel of his soft skin and how his touch warmed me. I held onto his hand and he gently stroked the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Promise you'll come back?" I said.

"I can't promise anything." He said. I gave him a glare and he laughed.

"I'll try." He said. I took a deep breath and he gently pulled me into a hug. I enjoyed his embrace and when we pulled away I looked into his handsome brown eyes.

"Oi! Prongs, not the time! We have to go." Sirius said breaking the moment. I sighed as James got up, leaving me feeling empty. I stood and hugged James once more. 

"Stay safe." I whispered in his ear.

"I will. Get some rest and try not to worry to much." He said. I just nodded, knowing that I wouldn't. I watched the four walk out and head to the Hospital Wing where Madam Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore will be waiting. I waited a minute before stealthily following them making sure to hide behind corners and make sure they wouldn't see me. There was a couple of time one of them would look behind, but they never see me. I followed them to the hospital wing where Professor Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey escorted them out of the castle. I followed them all the way to the Whomping Willow and waited behind the trees. I watched Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey leave a few minutes later, re activating the previously frozen Whomping. I sighed and sat down on the dirt. Soon, I heard the twisted scream of my friend Remus transforming, but they were soon muffled by the howls of the werewolf. I quickly turned into my animagus and waited. It was a strange feeling being an animal, but not an unpleasant one. It made me feel free and not bond to the usual laws of reality. 

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