Meeting in secret

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I woke up rather early, like I usually did, and stretched my arm. The bruise on my arm hadn't gotten worse, but it hadn't gotten any better either. I huffed at the bruise, but turned my attention away from it when memories from last night flooded into my mind. I had kissed James. He kissed back. I thought happily. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood. the floor was cold as it was now the beginning of February, but I didn't mind. I walked to the bathroom of the dormitory and took a short shower. Once I was finished I dried my hair and got dressed in my uniform. By the time I had woken up, so had Lily. She was brushing her hair when I walked out of the bathroom and she smiled at me.

"So, are you going to tell anyone?" Lily asked wiggling her eye brows. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think I'm going to tell anyone just yet." I said quietly. Her eyes widened at me.

"Why would you keep it a secret?" She asked shocked at what I had said. I shrugged.

"I need to find a way to tell the boys before I can tell everyone. I don't know how they will react." I explained. She just nodded and went back to brushing her hair.

"Makes sense. Well, I'll see you in Transfiguration." Lily said taking my place in the bathroom. I smiled and walked over to my beg grabbing my bag and walking to the dormitory door. I walked down the stone steps to see only a few people in the common room, one being Peter. I smiled and walked over to him. He gave me a shy smile when I approached him.

"Good morning, Wormy. Sleep well?" I asked. He nodded.

"I did. You?" He squeaked out. I nodded.

"I did. Well are you ready for potions? Professor Slughorn wouldn't want us late." I said. He nodded and grabbed his bag, which had been previously sitting on the couch. Together we walked out of the portrait hole and down the staircases. As we were walking a stack of paper suddenly fell from my bag. I gasp and bent to the ground to grab them. Peter, bent down to help me pick up the fallen papers, but I simply shrugged him off. 

"Go ahead, Peter. I'll catch up. Tell Slughorn where I am, I'm sure he'll understand." I told him. Peter nodded and stood back up and a second later scurried off down the staircase. I bent back down when I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me into a broom closet. I turned around to see my kidnapper only to see James shutting the broom closet door.

"Hello, love." He said wrapping an arm around my waist. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Did you really have to pull me in a broom closet? I was on my way to potions." I said. He just chuckled and placed his head on my shoulder and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, his breath tickling me.

"Well, I guessed you wanted to keep us a secret so I figured it was the only way I could see you." He said pulling me closer to him. I turned my head and kissed his temple. He groaned and picked his head off my shoulder and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss, but kissed back. When we reluctantly pulled away I went to unwrap my arms from his neck, but his arms stayed where they were.

"James." I said. He just groaned.

"Do you have to go?" He asked like a pouting child. I smiled and pressed a chase kiss to his lips.

"I do. I'm going to be late anyways." I said. He stuck out his bottom lip and brought out his puppy dog eyes. I giggled and he looked at me.

"What's so funny?" He asked his arm tightening around my waist. I giggled again.

"You look like a child." I giggled out. He flash a mischievous grin and removed his hands.

"I look like a child huh?" He asked. Then without a warning he began ticking my sides. I started giggling and wiggling trying to get him to stop.

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