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I walked into the Great Hall, my Gryffindor robes swishing around me. James and the rest of the Mauraders walked along side me and together we made our way to our usual seats. James slipped his arm around my waist pressing a kiss to my temple. I smiled and returned the kiss. I looked down the table and saw familiar faces bit only one stood out and not in a good way. Julie Turner, the girl James had taken to the dance, glared down at me, hate in her eyes. I shrugged it off not having the faintest idea of why she was looking at me.

Well, after Dumbledore gave his beginning of year speech and everyone had finished eating we all were dismissed to leave. I was elected a prefect this year which means I had to leave for rounds right as we left, something James was not to keen on.

"It's going to be hard falling asleep without you in my arms." James said wrapping his arms around me, making my heart flutter.

"I know, but you'll survive. Now I have to go or I'll be late." I said trying to pull away but he held strong. I giggled and kissed his nose.

"James." I said. He groaned and buried his head into the crook of my neck, peppering kisses over it.

"Do you have to leave?" James asked. I frowned and nodded.

"I'll see you in the morning, my love." I said pulling his head out of my neck and pressing a kiss to his soft lips. He kissed back and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He had gotten at least 2 inches taller over the summer and I had to stand on my tippy toes to kiss him but I didn't mind. His head trailed to my waist and squeezed the sides. When we reluctantly pulled away I managed to get out of his grasp.

"Goodnight." I said kissing his nose making him smile. He pressed and kiss to my forehead and whisper a goodnight before letting me leave. I began walking around the castle doing my rounds. It was peaceful and quiet but that all changed. And fast. I was about to turn into the main hallway when I felt a hand cover my mouth and other hands pull me forcefully backwards. I let out a muffled yelp and felt myself be dragged backwards into the girls bathroom. The was thrown to the ground and my head smacked against the tiled floor. My neckless began to glow red and I groaned. My vision blurred as I looked up to see 3 figures standing over me.

"Stay away from him." The one standing in the middle said. She was a girl and I felt as though I knew her from somewhere.

"W-W-Who?" I choked out the side that had hit the floor seering. The middle figure suddenly kicked the door into my gut making a bitter metallic substance come into my mouth. I brought my hand up to my mouth a spat. My eyes widened. Blood was on my fingers.

"You know exactly who, wench. James. My James. Stay away from him. You might act all big and tough but your nothing when your outnumbered. Now, stay away from him unless you want to end up like Moaning Myrtle, wench." The figure said. I blinked my eyes and once my vision had come back I gasped.

Julie Turner.

She stood over me, two of her minions glaring at me with sick grins.

"Understand?" Turner asked crossing her arms. My sudden fear turned to anger and I lifted my head up.

"No." I said firmly, courage coarsing through me. My hand went to my wand, my fingers angrily gripping the wood.

"What. Did. You. Say?" Turner asked sticking her hand into her robes and retrieving her wand. I gulped and took a deep breath.

"No, Turner." I said again but this time she raised her wand and muttered a spell I hoped I never hear in my life.

"Crucio." She said and a red spark shot out of her wand connecting with my stomach. I screamed a loud and pained scream. It was the worst pain you could put a person through. The feelings of bones snapping, being stabbed, kicked, burned, frozen, torn apart, all at once. After a moment she stopped and A few new cuts had appeared all over my body. I took in shaky breaths as blood dripped from the side of my head. My neckless shimmered a bright red and luckily the girls didn't catch on.

After the pain had sesied I took this chance to raise my wand which they hadn't noticed before.

"Flippendo." I rasped, my wand pointed straight at one of Julie's goons. The girl shrieked as she was thrown backwards, flipping mid air and landing hard on her stomach. She coughed for air but my victory was short lived as Julie pointed at me once again.

"Crucio!!!" She roared and this time the pain was ten times worse. I screamed louder and writhed in the tile. I was helpless. Even fiber of being wanted to fight back but I was in to much pain to do so anymore.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about this or else." One of the girls said trying to be intimidating and failing. I let out a small laugh and immediately regretted it as the action sent a shock of pain down my throat.

"I........ don't care......... what...... you do...... to me." I croaked. The girls laughed and Turner kicked me in the gut once again causing a bit of blood to be spat from my mouth.

"Oh, we know but Lily doesn't." Turner said with a sick smirk. My eyes widened.

"You wouldn't." I said anger building up in me.

"Oh, I will, and I don't think she'll fair as well as you did." Turner said earning a snicker from her friends. I looked down in defeat.

"F-Fine. I won't s-say anything, j-just please, d-don't h-hurt her." I croaked. She smiled and bent down to my level and lift my chin upwards.

"Good girl. Now, clean yourself up wouldn't want my precious Jamesie to see you like that." She teased before smacking my face one last time and quickly sashaying out of the bathroom. I finally let out a sob. Everything hurt. I slowly leaned against the wall and pushed myself off the ground, my legs wobbling. I took a deep breath and hobbled my way over to the mirror and gasped when I looked inside it. My left side of my face was dripping with blood, a cut just over my eye being the source. My neck was bruised, and my body was now covered in tiny cuts and gashes. I knew that no matter if I even tried to use a glamor charm that it wouldn't cover up everything. I decided my best bet would be to go to Madam Pomfey's. I limped my way out of the bathroom and leaned against the wall as I slowly made my way down to the Hospital Wing. Once I had made it there, I took a breath before knocking on the big wooden door. I waited a moment before hearing hurried footsteps and grumbles. The door opened and a very tired looking Madam Pomfrey stood in the doorway but he expression turned from tired to worried as she looked over me. Before she could say anything, I collapsed into her arms. She gasped and quickly helped me to the nearest bed and helped me into it.

"My dear, what happened?" She asked quickly using her wand to retrieve bandages.

"I'd rather not say." I mumbled leaning back against the bed.

"Well, you'll have to stay here over night. Your cuts need mending." She said beginning to bandage the big ones. I sighed and leaned back. I closed my eyes and within minutes I had quietly fallen asleep. 

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