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I was awoken by a quiet yawn from my left and the creak of bed springs, signaling to my that Lily had woken up. I opened my eyes, letting the harsh light flood into my eyes. I sat up and a sharp pain went through my leg. I looked under the cover at the wound and saw it hadn't gotten any better. I knew that there was no chance of me becoming a werewolf, for that to happen he would've had to have bitten me, which luckily he didn't thanks to James. I gently brushed my fingers over the covered a gash and winced at the pulse of pain. I sighed and gently slung my legs over the side of my four poster bed, and placed my bare feet against the cold wood floor. I put a little pressure on my leg and the pain wasn't to bad. I put a little more pressure and yelped. Great how am I supposed to walk around James all day with a limp. I thought. I stood putting only a little pressure in my hurt leg and a lot on the other. I walked forward and pain shot up my leg. I silently cursed, but continued. I made it to my wardrobe and I chose the longest skirt I had trying to conceal the bandages. I looked in the mirror and saw that I could no longer see the nasty white bandages and I looked pretty decent. I brushed my long h/c hair and I limped my way to the stairs. I looked down the stairs and groaned. Stairs, Why did you have to betray me like this? I dramatically thought. I slowly made my way down the stairs almost tripping a few times. When I made it to the bottom, I was greeted by Lily sitting in one of the chairs reading a book.

"Good morning." I said limping past her and towards the portrait.

"And where do you think your going, limping like that?" She said closing her book. I turned back to her and placed my hands on my hips.

"To pick up 4 annoying boys from the hospital wing, before the manage to set it on fire as well." I said.

"While your there have Madam Pomfrey look over your leg. It's hurt, and you really shouldn't ignore it." Lily said going back to her book. I nodded and exited to common room. The fat lady looked at my leg and her eyes narrowed.

"A casualty from your exploration, I presume." She said crossing her arms.

"You saw that." I said sadly.

"Since I am the portrait who controls who goes in and out of the doorway, I tend to know who goes in and out." She said.

"Don't say a word, please." I begged. She looked and me, but nodded.

"You really should get your leg checked out though." She said.  

I just nodded and hobbled my way down the long stairwells, which only made my leg hurt more. When I finally made it to the hospital wing I had to wait outside of the big doors for the pain in my leg to die down. Once it had calmed down for the most part I took a deep breath and pushed open the big stone doors.

I was immediately greeted by a very flustered Madam Pomfrey.

"Oh Ms. Roberts, thank goodness your here. They've been non stop asking for you, Potter here even tried to sneak out, threatened to glue him to his bed if he tries it again." Madam Pomfrey says gesturing to the four boys laying on the the beds. Remus was asleep in the farthest bed from me, Peter was also asleep, only James and Sirius seemed to be awake. I nodded and walked forward trying to mask my limp. I limped up to James's bed and quickly sat down in the chair next to him, ignoring Sirius's worried glances.

"Good morning, James. Rough night?" I asked trying to sound like I had no idea what happened last night. He shrugged.

"Well it started off just fine, it was coming back that was the rough part. We were just about to go back in to the Shrieking Shack, when Remus suddenly lost control. He turned on me, but before he could do anything this beautiful sliver doe came outta no where and saved me. Didn't get out unscathed though. Had a nasty gash on her hind leg." He explained. I smiled when he said a beautiful doe and listened to his story pretending I didn't know how it went.

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