End of 5th Year

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I packed finished packing my trunk and happily looked at my cleaned bed. Lily was right next to trying to fit all of her things into her own trunk. I giggled and grabbed a scarf of hers that laid forgotten on the floor next to her and set it on the bed.

"Need some help, Lils?" I asked helping hold the lid of her trunk down so that she can close it. Once we had successfully closed the trunk, in the process having me sit on top of it. 

"Thanks. I have no idea how I fit all of this in at the beginning of the year. How'd you get packed so fast? You have more stuff than me." Lily said looking at my packed things. I shrugged and smiled.

"Years of practice, comes in handy." I said. 

"So, how are you gonna spend your summer?" Lily asked. I felt my heart drop. I had completely forgotten I technically don't have a home now. I shrugged.

"I don't really know. I guess I will travel." I said, trying to hide my uncertainty. She looked at me concern in her eyes.

"Don't you want to spend some time at home?" She said crossing her arms in suspicion. I scratched the back of my neck and turned back to my bed.

"My mum won't mind. She'll be at home and I'll keep in touch." I lied. Even though my back was turned to her I could clearly imagine her rolling her eyes.

"You know if you need a place to stay, my parents wouldn't mind." She suddenly said. I turned to her and shook my head no. 

"Lily, I don't want to intrude and I'm pretty sure your sister is literally out for my blood and Lily I'm fine. I'll figure something out." I said Scratching the back of my neck and shuffling my feet a bit. 

"And what would James say about that?" She said teasingly. Panic erupted in me and I practically tackled her.

"No, no, no, no, no. You cannot tell James. He'll go absolutely mental." I said franticly. She giggled and I got off of her.

"Well, you need a place to stay, you can't leave for the summer and have no place to live." She said crossing her arms over her chest. I rolled my eyes a laughed.

"And who says I can't. There is a reason I'm in Gryffindor, I can survive 3 months on the road. Plus, I'll learn some stuff. I'll have Apollo with me, and I'll write you every week." I explained trying to reassure her, but she didn't look convinced.

"And how do expect to live on the road without food?" She inquired. I grabbed my bag and pulled out some wizarding coins along with some muggle money.

"I have enough to keep myself sustained." I said putting the money back in my bag. She sighed and began walking towards the door. I looked at her.

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"I'm telling James about your 'plan'." She said. My eyes widened and I ran towards the door. Before she could open it, I flung myself in front of it. She looked at me, but I didn't move.

"You can't." I said. She smirked.

"I can and will." She said trying to push past me. 

"Lily, if you tell James, your Hogwarts: A History book gets it." I said spying the book laying on her nightstand. Her eyes narrowed.

"You wouldn't." She said.

"I can and will." I said mocking her past statement. She glared at me and took a step back. 

"Fine, I won't tell James. I won't." She said suspiciously. I looked at her in confusion. All of a sudden she turned the door handle and opened the door, but didn't try to leave.

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