Homeward Bound

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I grunted as I drug my trunk of my, now deserted, four-poster bed. The term had ended and the year was sadly coming to a close. I was going back to James's place again, despite my offers to find a hotel, only this time it wouldn't be only us. Sirius would be living with us from now on since he had left his horrid and prissy family, which both James and I had been very happy about. James, whilst happy his best friend would be staying with him, was still very nervous and sad about having to come home without his parents. I tried to comfort him as much as possible but he still was a bit disappointed. Although, hopefully when we reached the Potter Manor, the surprise I had set up for him cheered him up.

"Are you all packed, then?" Lily asked as she to drug her trunk towards the exit door. I nodded and smiled at the redhead

"Yeah, I just have to shrink this down along with my broom and Apollo's cage," I explained as I pulled out my wand and shrunk down the remaining objects.

"He still hasn't come back yet?" She asked as she placed her hands on her hips. I had sent Apollo out a couple of days ago and he had yet to return.

"No, I sent him out with a letter to my mum, but I'm sure he'll be back soon," I said as my eyes glanced over to the window," Hopefully, he'll know to go to James's."

I could see Lily's stance tense at the mention of my mother. I saw her eyes narrow and the coldness seep into them. 

"You're still speaking with her? After all, she's done?" Lily accused. I sighed, already having this conversation with Remus and Sirius, but just as ready to explain it to her.

"Lily, she's gotten so much better. She has a job at the Ministry and from what I've heard has gotten the house fixed up a bit," She still didn't look convinced," Lil's..... I've never had a mum and if even have a slight chance of getting one I will do whatever it takes to do so." 

Lily stood there for a few seconds, her stance never changing and her eyes remaining cold, but after a few moments, she relaxed and sighed before walking towards me and wrapping me into a hug. 

"Alright, but owl me when you're going to meet her. I want to be present, even if it's a couple of blocks away..... just in case." She said. I felt my heart warm and I smiled to myself. I hugged her back tight with a smile and nodded my head slowly.

"Of course. If that ever happens, you and James will definitely be near somewhere," I assured, before turning back to my now shrunken things," Now let's hurry it's almost time to leave."

Together we finished our packing and made our way, sadly down the steps from the girl'ss dormitory and into the common room where James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus were waiting for us. They were all gathered around the fireplace chatting happily as they waited for us. 

"Finally! I thought we'd be stuck here till next term." Sirius joked as he stood from his place on one of the couches. James smiled once he saw me and made his way over to me. Without a word, he leaned down and kissed my temple before grabbing my bag, which held all of my such supplies and it over my shoulder. 


"The bag looked heavy." He said using the age-old excuse. I rolled my eyes and smiled up at the boy.

"It really wasn't that heavy, but this will make up for that prank you did yesterday," I said with a playful scoff. James smirked as he remembered that yesterday he had "accidentally" set my quill on fire. He had said that he was targeting Snape but I had grabbed his quill instead of mine. Honestly, you'd think after six years of pranks and detentions he would come up with a better excuse.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that again, love. I would have sworn I had enchanted Snape's." He said with a guilty chuckle. I rolled my eyes and swatted his arm.

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