Dangerous Times

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As I finished packing I couldn't help but let my mind drift back to the Daily Prophet paper. Just the thought of the headline sent shivers down my spine and heart racing. I had returned to James's house a couple of weeks before the next school term, promising to my mother that I would be back at Christmas. Her and James's parents really got along despite the Potter's previous views on her and the three planned to walk us to the train station. While the adults tried to remain brave for us I could still see their worried looks and new there was more to why they were personally seeing us to the train. 

"Love? Can you hear me?" James called out, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned and smiled at him before packing away the sweater I had been clutching. 

"Oh sorry James, I was just thinking. What were you saying?" I asked as I closed my trunk. James side and wrapped his arms around my stomach from behind, pulling me into his chest. I felt my tense muscles ease and I couldn't help the small smile that came with the action. I could here Sirius cursing from the other room as he struggled to drag his case from his room and giggled. Sirius had fit right in here and we were all so glad for him to be away from that retched home and family. 

"I know you're worried, we all are, but trust me with Dumbledore and the rest of Aurors working around the clock to find him and stop him, he won't last much longer." James said trying to reassure me, but I only sighed and turned around in his arms. 

"I know James, but what if-" I began only to be silenced by James pressing his lips against mine. I felt my worries ease away as I returned the action, causing James to smile into the kiss. When he pulled away he gazed down at me adoringly. 

"These are dangerous, dangerous time, Y/n, but you have to remember. You're not alone, no one is. You see we have the advantage over You-Know-Who. While he has his dark magic and Death Eaters, we have something way more powerful. Friends.... and nothing can conquer true friendship and love. No matter how dark and powerful it is." James reassured. I sighed and nodded my head knowing what he said was true, but I still couldn't shake the feeling of something bad was going to happen. 

"Ugh! Will you two get a move on! At the rate it'll be Christmas before we reach Hogwarts." Sirius groaned out as he drug his trunk past our door. James laughed and released me before walking towards his best friend.

"Need some help their, Padfoot?" James asked as he grabbed the other end of the trunk and heaving it off the ground. I rolled my eyes before lifting my wand up and aiming it at my own luggage. 

"Wingardium Leviosa." I said and watched as my trunk and owl cage was lifted off the floor. The boys stared on, annoyed looks on their faces. I turned around and smirked at the before walking forwards, my things following close behind. 

"What? You didn't see that coming?( ;) )" I said as I walked past them and down the stair case. Mr. and Mrs. Potter along side my mother were waiting in the living area chatting about the Ministry. Once I set down my things I joined the three adults, sitting beside my mum. 

"Oh Y/n, dear, would you go check to see if Remus has arrived. His parents couldn't see him here themselves. They've been looking after Adromeda and Ted's daughter. Remus seemed to have taking a liking to her I've heard." Mrs. Potter requested. I nodded and walked towards the door and almost as if on cue a faint knock sounded at the door. I smiled as I opened the door revealing both Remus and Peter.

"'Ello boys, good summer?" I asked as I wrapped both of them in a big hug. The two chuckled returning my affection before I stepped away slightly to let them in. 

"Finally, I was wondering when you two would show up." Sirius said as him and James finally made it to the end of the stair case. Together the five of us walked towards the living area where our parents stood to greet them. Once we all had our things in order we all apparated away to Kings Cross. Once there we all put our things on our trolleys and headed towards the barrier. 

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