Snape's Bane

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(1 month later)

I walked down the hallway, books clutched in my cold hands. The weather had turned sour and cold, as the seasons changed and lucky for me most of my classes were inside. I had just finished double potions with Slughorn who invited me to go to his Halloween party, which I politely declined. I knew Snape would be there and since Lily had homework I was not about to be there alone with him and his annoying 'friends'. I hadn't seen any of the Marauders, which was surprising, at all today. I knew they were either messing with a student or scheming about some prank they were planning to pull.

I had Transfiguration next class and couldn't be more excited. I had been doing very well in it, which is good for me if I wish to become an Auror, which I do. I had read about the famous Aurors throughout the ages and couldn't wait till I became one. Of course when my mother found out about my dream I received a severe scolding and a bruise right under my left eye but I didn't care, I was used to it.

As I walked the students around me continuously gave me concerned and mocking glances, out of the corner of their eyes. My little 'stunt' had gained most of the schools attention but it wasn't nearly as bad as it was when I first returned. The other kids wouldn't even go near me and the teachers would constantly ask me if I was ok and follow me places, although they weren't the worst part.

The boys hadn't left my side for anything. They would constantly follow me and keep me in conversation and even attempted to breach the girls dormitory but were quickly stopped by Lily and the other girls. They would walk me to and from my classes and even to the girl laventry which I had to convince them not to come into. Godric, the were persistent but recently they have been sneaking off and leaving me to my own accord, something I was both relieved and confused about. 

I quickly made my way to the Transfiguration classroom but, much to my dismay, I was stopped by a certain greasy git. 

"Move out of my way, Roberts." He growled as he glared down at me. I rolled my eyes and stood taller, my e/c eyes staring into his menacing brown eyes. 

"You, Snape." I spat. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why should I, you're the one in the way." 

"I don't have time for this." I said and I quickly tried my best to move away from him but he only moved right back in front of me. 

"Snape." I warned.

"How's your mum?" He asked with a smirk, which made the built up anger I held for him boil. 

"None of your business." I grumbled angrily, my hands tightening around my bag, my knuckles turning white from the tight grip. 

"Oh really? Well, I should-" He began but never got to finish his hollow threat, as he was rudely interrupted by a loud splash and lime green slime falling over top his greasy hair a dripping all down his shoulders and to the end of his hooked nose. He let out a shrill yell that sounded like a cat getting it's tail stepped on. I could help but laugh as he flailed backwards, falling onto his bottom, right in the middle of the hallway. His whole body was now covered in this awful smelling and vibrant slime but that wasn't the worst. As the slime stayed on his head for longer it quickly turned his usual black hair to lime green. At first you couldn't tell the hair from the slime but as he flung more of it off of himself it became more and more noticeable. I was about to comment on his new color but was cut off by the loud laughing of four boys behind me. I felt an arm loop around my shoulders and I soon found myself sandwiched between Sirius and James, with Remus and Peter on either side, all of us looking down at Snape who was quick to stand up, his face red.

"Nice hairdo, Snivellus." James commented between laughs. 

"Yeah, perfect color." Sirius chimed in. Snape let out a angry huff as he looked at the five of us. 

"Just wait till the headmaster hears about this." Snape threatened but James simply shrugged it off.

"Well, he wouldn't come for us. We didn't do this." James said, but I could tell he was lying. 

"Troll dung." Snape said, stomping his foot.

"It's true, we were on our way to Transfigurations and since we've been in the common rooms all day, we couldn't set this up." Remus said taking a step forwards. 

"Maybe its just karma catching up to you." Sirius suggested.

"Yeah, everything that happens at Hogwarts happens for a reason. Maybe it's all your bad deeds finally coming back to you." James said with a knowing smirk. I let out a small giggle as Snape looked at the group not knowing what exactly to say. Finally, after a long silence, Snape huffed and looked down at me.

"This isn't over." He grumbled before turning and quickly racing to the nearest bathroom to, try and wash the now neon green from his hair. I let out one more giggle before I looked up at the four boys, the tenseness in my body disappearing.

"So how did you do it?" I asked as we all began to walk forwards. 

"We set it up a day ago." Peter answered truthfully. 

"We didn't mean for it to hit Snape-" Sirius began.

"But it was an added bonus." James finished. The two could be brothers by the way they knew each other.

"Either way, it was funny. How long is the dye supposed to last?" I asked.

"Well, considering it was Remus's own concoction about...... four months." James said struggling to contain his laughter. My eyes widened as I looked up at my mischievous boyfriend.

"Four months?!" I asked, shocked only making the four laugh more.

"Well, we guess about four, we've never really tested it out." Remus said scratching the back of his neck. I shook my head and we all continued to walk forwards towards the Transfiguration classroom. 


True to James's words, Snape's neon hair hadn't disappeared by the time dinner came. He was very easy to spot even from the crowded Gryffindor table. Lily took her seat next to me, James on the other side. Lily told about how Lucas had asked her to go to Hogsmeade with her and she was very excited. I smiled and secretly wished James would ask me but from the conversation he was in he seemed to be concerned with the next prank and who was so unfortunate to be their target. 

After dinner, we all were dismissed back to our dorms which we all were very happy for. It had been a busy day and everyone was tired. 

Once we reached the common room, I was about to head up towards the dorm when I felt arms wrapped themselves around me. I rolled my eyes but couldn't conceal a smile, when James placed his head on my shoulder. He pressed a kiss to my cheek making me smile, and I turned my face to look at him.

"How was your day, love?" James asked, as he placed his chin on top of my head. I smiled and nuzzled into his warm chest.

"Better after what happened with Snape. Thanks for that by the way." I said with a smile.

"Anything for you, darling." He said making a bright flush rush up my neck and all the way to my ears. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his middle as we both just enjoyed each other's presence. After what felt like hours we both reluctantly pulled apart.

"Goodnight." I said as I stood on my tip toes, pressing a kiss to his soft lips. He returned it before I pulled away, causing him to let out a unsatisfied groan.

"You know, you could spend the night in my dorm." He said, suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. I shook my head, slapping his chest.

"Oh shut it you, Professor McGonagall would have our heads." I said, as my cheeks only flushed brighter. He sighed and pulled me into one last hug.

"I'll get you one night." He said, his lips close to my ear making me shiver. I kissed his bare neck, satisfied with the goosebumps I left. 

"Keep dreaming, Potter." I said as I pulled away, giving him one last chase kiss before quickly going to my dorm before he could react and even though I couldn't see him I could tell he was smirking at the thought.    

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