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I let out a soft groan as sun light glittered across my face. I buried my head further into my pillow in a desperate attempt to fall back asleep, but after it was clear I wouldn't be able to I slowly opened my eyes and released a yawn. I brought one of my hands up to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes before pushing myself upwards, only before I could fully sit up a force seemed to grip my waist and pull me back down. I let out a small giggle before looking over at the still half asleep James who had his arm wrapped firmly around me. His hair was tousled, well more than usual, and he was sprawled wildly around my bed. 

We were staying at Mum's place for a week, after she had invited me to come back to look at the place. I didn't feel comfortable staying here, which when I brought it up James immediately jumped at the opportunity to come with me. When we arrived I was shocked at what I was met with. 

The once decrepit and broken home, that had plants and other nasty things growing in ever crack in the walls, was gorgeous

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The once decrepit and broken home, that had plants and other nasty things growing in ever crack in the walls, was gorgeous. The house had been renovated and painted. There was a clear yard and a cute little fence. She had also placed many flower beds around the house which seemed to pull the whole place together. The sight made a ecstatic smile come onto my face and James and I wasted no time in entering the home. The inside was just as amazing as the outside. The rooms were neat and organized. She had no lights or candles which allowed a health amount of natural light instead. The kitchen and living area were cozy and homely, something I had never seen when living here after my dad had died. The best part however was my room. Apparently, my mother, after she had cleaned up her act, wanted to do something nice for me. Once we had made amends she informed me that she had taken the time to repair my room and decorate it. I was nervous at first, not thinking that she had any idea of what I would want my room to look like, but again I stood corrected when I opened my door. 

Tears sprung to my eyes when I first saw it and I instantly fell in love

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Tears sprung to my eyes when I first saw it and I instantly fell in love. From the carpet to the bookshelf I loved it all. It warmed my heart to know that my mum had put so much work into decorating my room and knew what I liked. She said ti was the least she could after what she had done, but I quickly shushed her about the subject before hugging her tightly. My home finally felt like a home. 

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