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~James's POV~

My legs burned from running so fast and my eyes were blurred by tears. How could I do that to her? Y/n. My Y/n. Those thoughts kept repeating in my mind as I ran as fast as I could back into the castle. The necklace that matched with Y/n's swung around my neck but instead of it's usual pink it was now jet black, like it had all it's light sucked out of it. I had watched her run as fast as she could into the Forbidden Forest in her Animagus form and I was about to chase after her in mine but Sirius had stopped me. He said we needed a teacher who would go with us. 

I ran up the staircases and straight into Professor McGonagall's office where she sat, writing down something with a long feather quill. My sudden appearance and loud shouts of her name managed to jostle her from her thoughts.

"Professor McGonagall!" I yelled as I ran into her classroom. Her head shot upwards her steely eyes meeting mine, stopping in my tacks.

"What is the meaning of you running into my classroom in such a manor, Potter." Professor McGonagall asked as she rose from behind her desk. I took in deep breaths as I propped myself up with my knees.

"Y/n...... she..... she..." I said trailing off at the end.

"Y/n what?" She pressed, annoyance growing in her steely gaze. I raised my head to answer but before I could a even more annoyed voice explained for me.

"Y/n ran off into the Forbidden Forest." Evan's annoyed voice said from behind me. Both McGonagall and I's heads turned towards the red headed girl. She shot me a bitter glare and she took her place next to me, returning her gaze to the now taken back Professor.

"She what?" She asked in disbelief.

"She ran off into the Forbidden Forest but her reason for do it, I'll let Potter explain." Evans said shooting me yet another hateful glare. I saw the Professor's head turn to me and I felt anxiety rise up in my stomach as the teachers gaze rested on me, and my feet shuffled and my hands fiddled together.

"Well, Mr. Potter?" McGonagall asked, inter twining her hands together.

"Well, you see..." I said trailing off not quite sure what to say. What words do you use to explain that you shattered the person you love most's heart? How do you say that you were stupid and you betrayed the person you thought just the other day, you thought you couldn't live without. I took deep breath before looking up at the strict teacher.

"I messed up. Really bad. Not just bad, I messed up horribly. I played with her heart and at the end shattered it and a little bit of myself as well. Well, a big part of myself. I know there's a slim chance that she'll ever forgive me but I can't just leave her out there, so please Professor. I need your help in finding her." I pleaded as I took a step forwards. I had never begged a teacher seriously before and might I say it was not fun but if it meant helping Y/n, then I was willing to do it. Professor McGonagall took in a deep breath before stepping away from her desk and walking towards us. 

"Well, if what you are saying is true, then we must act fast. The dangers of the forest are troubling enough for someone of my age let alone a 6th year student. Hurry, we shall speak with the headmaster." She said swiftly before striding past us, her emerald robes swishing around her as she left the classroom. Evans looked at me once before quickly exiting the room after the Professor, me following closely behind her. While we were walking Evans slowed her pace until she was standing right next to me. When she was sure Professor McGonagall wasn't in ear shot she leaned closer to me and took in a deep breath.

"How could you do that to her?" Evans hissed in my ear. I looked down. I didn't have an explanation. I was, for the first time in my life speechless.

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