Who Did This

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I woke up to the sounds of hushed voices. I opened my eyes and light flooded into them. I sat up and my head pulsated with pain as the memories from last night flooded into my brain. I gently touched the cut over my eye, now with a bandage over it. I hissed and noticed that the curtain around my bed had been pulled shut. I silently thanked Madam Pomfrey and once my head ache died down, I began to listen to the voices. 

"I already told you Mr. Potter, she is resting." Madam Pomfrey's voice said. 

"Please just let me sit with her, that's all I'm asking." I heard James's voice plead. I smiled and blushed at the thought of him wanting to be near me even if I was hurt. I carefully swung my legs over the side of the hospital bed and stood. They were still a bit sore but nothing too bad. I slowly opened the curtain and peered out. James stood by the entrance to the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey in front of him, her arms crossed. I opened the curtain all the way and stepped out. James's eyes widened and before Madam Pomfrey had the chance to react the ran passed her and threw his arms around me. I smiled into his chest and hugged him back.

"Good morning to you to." I joked hugging him. "Where the bloody hell were you?" He asked tightening his grip around me. 

"I was on patrol and slipped." I lied. I heard James scoff and he pulled away placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"Don't lie. Who did this to you?" James asked seeing my cut.  

"I already-" I began but was cut off by James.

"No, tell me." he said. I rolled my eyes and leaned up placing a short kiss on his soft lips. 

"James I'm fine. Let's just go before Madam Pomfrey threatens to send Hagrid on us again." I said and before he could protest, I pulled him out of the Hospital Wing thanking Madam Pomfrey. I let go of his hand which immediately after I did it felt as though I had lost something. I shut the big oak door to the hospital wing and turned back to James, grabbing his hand and intertwining my finger with his. We walked along side each other, our hands swinging with ever step. When we made it back up to the Gryffindor common room, James said the password and helped me through the portrait hole. Once the door was closed and James glanced around to see if anyone was lounging around in the common room and when he was certain no one was in the room he slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. He kissed the to of my head a squeezed me tighter making wince. He murmured a sorry into my hair and looked up placing a kiss onto his lips.

"It's fine." I said with a smile but he didn't return it.

"Where were you? What happened? Who did this?" James asked all at once. I took in a sharp breath and looked down. 

"I already told you." I said quietly. Every part of me told me to tell him the truth but I couldn't risk Lily's life. I heard him scoff and take his hands off of me.

"Yeah that seems to be a theme with you." James said turning away from me an running his hands through his hair. I looked up and feeling of uncertainty in me. 

"What?" I asked a tone of worry rising in my voice.

"You always keep things from me. Important things! For example, becoming an animagi, your mother, and even you not have a dad. You have so many secrets and I hate it." James said frustration clear now in his voice.

"James, I have secrets and I can choose to keep them that way if I want them to." I said stepping towards him.

"Not the ones that cause you to end up in the hospital wing! I'm tired of having to blindly believe that everything is fine when you constantly show up with cuts and bruises." James said turning around and facing me. I looked up and him in shock.

"What are you saying, then?" I asked a small amount of fear rising up in me. He took a deep breath and walked over to the couch and sat down on it.

"Nothing. I'm just...... frustrated. I need to think I guess. We're both tired. Professor McGonagall gave us the day off classes." James said. I felt my heart drop. Over my life I've learned that when someone says 'I need to think' that, that means nothing good can happen. I felt tears well up in my eyes but I wouldn't let them fall. I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"I understand. I think I'm just going to go get some rest. Take as much time as you need." I said and we both stayed in silence neither of us moving. After a few minutes of not saying or moving at all James stood up taking a deep breath. 

"I see you later. Get some rest." He said and then without making eye contact, walked towards the portrait hole. I took in a shaky breath and saw James stop but only for a moment, as if he wanted to turn back around but he decided against it. He shook his head and left the common room and as soon as the portrait closed I let out a small sob and a tear slipped down my cheek. I turned and walked quickly up to the girls dormitories. I was happy to see that Lily had helped unpack my things and as soon as I reached my bed I flopped down onto my bed and after a couple of silent sobs and a few minutes I quickly fell asleep, not knowing what James had just done. 


OOOOOOOO! Cliffhanger! Now I know that last line was a bit confusing so gonna explain it. It means that while you fell asleep James did something. Now you'll have to wait until to find out what he did but be prepared for feels.        

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