Winter Break

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My house was northing short than ruins. It was a run down cottage with mossy growing on the roof's and vines crawling their way the gutters and walls. The door was barely hanging on and had creaking noise when ever someone would open it. The windows had a layer of dirt and only a couple of them actually opened. The floor was rotten, worn wood and the wallpaper was peeling. We had few furniture in our house only consisting of a few nightstands littered through out the house, a couch, two beds, a small fridge, and a stove. There was a wardrobe that we both shared, but it was never filled with clothes. Mother kept her things in her room and I kept mine in my trunk. If you looked past all the filth you could tell that it had once been a very beautiful house, but now it had been reduced to a shadow of it's formal self. 

My mother was quite like the house. You could tell that she had once been a very beautiful woman, with very soft features, but years of resentment had turned her features sharp and shallow. She looked like someone who had blurry vision tried to recreate her younger version. She acted as she looked. Horrible. She hated new people, didn't like to leave the house for to long, and constantly insulted me.

I stood outside my home, nerves building in my stomach. James had tried to convince me to stay with him, but I know my mother would track me down the moment she found out that I had left Hogwarts and I didn't want her to hurt the Potters. I even recall James trying to convince me.

~Flash Back (by the way this was before the events of the last chapter)~

"Why don't you just stay with my family over, Christmas break?" James asked as we walked down the hallway. 

"You know why." I replied.

"Ya, but I told you I would protect you didn't I?" he said. I stopped to face him.

"James, I'm not worried about me. She can do whatever she wants to me. I'm worried about you and your parents." I explained.

"I'm not scared of her." He said crossing his arms.  

"I don't care if you aren't I'm not risking her hurting you or your parents." I said a little more sternly.


"Not buts. James, I'll be fine. Just enjoy the Christmas with your family. I heard Sirius with be there so enjoy the time with him." I said placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me like he wanted to say something, but I pulled him to move again before he could.

"I just wanna make sure your safe." He said looking at the ground.

"James, don't worry so much about me. I'll be fine." Godric, was I wrong.

~End Of Flashback~

I gulped and walked towards the front door. I hesitated, but placed my hand on the door knob. I turned in and gave it a little push. The door opened with a loud creak. I expect to see my mother standing there waiting for me with an angry face, but there was no one. I felt the fear rise up in my stomach as I walked into the run down house. All my things were in my bag except for Apollo who's cage I was carrying. He hooted and fluttered his wings. I looked around expecting her to be around the corner ready to take cheap shot on me, but she wasn't. I quietly walked up the creaky stairs and still the hallway was empty. Her door was shut and as was mine. I walked down the barren hallway and past her door. I listened and heard nothing so I kept moving. I walked to my room and placed a shaky hand on my door handle. I turned it and opened it. I walked in and set Apollo's cage down next to the door. I walked in and looked around. I didn't see anyone. I walked out of the door way and towards my bed. And then it happened.

I sharp pain erupted on the back of my head and I heard glass shatter. I screamed and fell to the ground, Apollo now flapping his wings like crazy and screeching. My hands went to the back of my head and it felt wet. I lifted my head to see a broken vase on the floor and my mother standing behind the door. She had a disgusted and angry face as she glared at me. I struggled to stand up and as soon as I did I felt her push me onto my bed. I looked at my hand it had blood dripping down my fingers. She grabbed my hair causing me to scream from the pain.

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