Hogsmeade Date

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(Dont play song yet)

I smiled happily as me Alice, Lily, and Piper chatted loudly in the carriage, as it made it's way down to Hogsmeade. 

"So, Lily where is Lucas taking you?" I said slyly as I watched her face go red at the mention of her date.

"We we're going to Madam Puddifoot's and then maybe browse the shops." She said quietly her face red, but she quickly recovered before rounding back at me.

"Where's James and you going?" She said, but I kept my cool.I leaned back into my seat and sighed.

"Nowhere, James and the boys are going to go on one of their supply runs." I explained a hint of bitterness in my voice. It was true, last night James had come up to me and explained that he wanted to go with Sirius, Remus, and Peter today to do visit Zonko's. I had asked if I could go with him, knowing that because of final exams we hadn't been able to spend as much time together, but Sirius was quick to shut me down. He explained that they had already planned to do something afterwards, that I apparently wouldn't like, and it wouldn't make sense for me to be with them for a little over five minutes and then leave. So, I said I understood and left without another word. Of course, I wanted James to have fun with his friends and not be with me every second of everyday but, like I said, we haven't been able to spend as much time together as usual and I missed him.

"But I thought you guys had date today. You've been talking about it for a week now." Piper spoke as she looked over at me.

"We did, but plans change. I'll still have fun though, I don't need James to do that, and maybe I can go to Honeydukes or eat at the Three Broomsticks. I have plenty of stuff to do." I said, bringing a happier tone into my voice. Lily gave me a small smile as she placed her hand on my knee.

"You know, I'm sure I could confess Lucas to let me leave a little early." She offered but I quickly shook my head pulling her into a hug before denying her offer.

"Oh no, I don't want to intrude on your date. After all you were so excited about it all week. I'll be fine Lil's, I promise." I said as the carriage stopped. We all climbed out and took in the sweet smells of the Hogsmeade village. I smiled and said my goodbyes to my friends, even though they were rather reluctant to leave. Merlin, I have such good friends. After a few more moment of convincing them I would be fine, they all walked off into the village, to find there dates, as I was left to figure out where to go first. I had figured I would go to Honeydukes first but before I could barely even move an inch, I heard a voice whisper behind me, a spell, and before I could react my body stiffened and I began to fall forwards if not for the mysterious person behind me. Once I was upright, a blindfold was placed over me and now both blind and paralyzed, I was picked up and began to move in a direction. My heart was racing and my mind was screaming trying anything it could do to move or make noise. 

After a while, I felt myself be set down and the person who had been carrying me, whisper in my ear.

"OK, I'll take this off and release you, you just have to promise not to hex me." Remus, whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes in my head and soon felt my body relax and gain back control. Once the blindfold was removed, I was about to spin around and give the tall boy a piece of my mind but the sight in front of me stopped me.

 Once the blindfold was removed, I was about to spin around and give the tall boy a piece of my mind but the sight in front of me stopped me

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