I Could Care Less

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"You promise you'll be safe?" I asked James, looking into his brown eyes. He rolled his eyes and smiled at me. We were standing by the portrait hole the empty common room, the other had already set off to Madam Pomfrey's, but I asked James to stay just for a few more moments. 

"I promise, I'll try to stay safe. Honestly woman, you treat me as if I was a little child." He said grinning. I crossed my arms and looked at him. He rolled his eye and smirked at me.

"Ok maybe that last part is true about me, but come on. Give me some credit I've survived this long." He said raising his arms over his head. I couldn't help, but smile and James grin widened when he saw that he had succeeded in making me smile. He slipped a hand around my waist and pulled me close.

"Just, promise you won't make stupid choices." I said quietly. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his chest, and listened to his steady heart beat. He placed his chin on my forehead and slowly rocked me.

"I promise. I have to go now, try to get some sleep, love." He said using his hand to lift up my head to face him. I stood on my tip toes and pressed a kiss to his lips and he gently kissed back.

"I'll try. Be safe." I said letting him go. He flashed me one last reassuring grin and quickly exited the portrait hole. I counted to 50 before to, opening the portrait. I walked past all of the sleeping paintings and down the long staircases. Once I made it to Madam Pomfrey I waited another 30 seconds before walking out. They had already left and I saw a glimpse of them walking out of the castle doors and towards the Whomping Willow. I followed them slowly and quietly. I hid behind a gigantic boulder while I watched them enter the ancient tree. I quickly turned in to my Animagus and a new marking had appeared around my neck. It was the shape of my neckless and around my head looked like the hair pins I usually wore. I moved from the boulder to a hill in front of the tree and I laid down on the soft grass. I waited a few more moments until I heard the howls of pain. I lowered my head to the ground and watched the tree carefully. Sure enough soon Padfoot, Moony, Prongs, and Wormtail appeared out of the secret passageway. I slowly raise my head and watch them set off, but sure enough Padfoot spots me. I don't move at all and neither does he, we simply stare at each other. 

Naturally, the others notice, especially Prongs. He takes a step towards me, but I still don't move. I watched as Prongs looked back at Padfoot and Padfoot just nodded. Prongs turned back around to face me and starts walking towards me. I immediately stand and take a couple steps back. Moony growled at me and I took a couple more steps back just to be safe, but Moony didn't do anything. I look back at Prongs who has gotten closer and he bowed his head. I hesitated not wanting t give an clue's that I was a human, so I bowed back, lowering my head. I heard Padfoot let out a bark that grabbed Prongs's attention. Padfoot jerked his head to the side and began walking, making Moony follow him. Prongs looked between me and Padfoot, but in the end turned to leave. As he was walking away he took one last glance at me. I lowered my head and turned back to the rocks. I began running back to the rocks and once I had got there I took one last peek around the side. The group had left towards the Black Lake and seemed to be doing fine. Once I was sure they weren't paying attention to me I ran out and into the trees and silently followed them.

I followed them all the way around the Black Lake and most of Hogsmeade. Everything seemed to go fine and we all made it back to the Whomping Willow. I watched them all walk into the Whomping Willow's passage way. I was about to go back to the rocks to change back, when I saw a dark figure making their way to the Whomping Willow. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. 

Snape was making his way silently towards the ancient tree, walking quickly towards it. When he got close to the tree I saw him pick up and large branch and press the not. The tree froze and I knew what he was doing and I couldn't let him. He was trying to go into the passage way and I know that I could care less about Snape, but I couldn't let Remus hurt him. I ran at full speed, but Snape quickly ducked into the passage. As soon as I saw him disappear into the passage way, I picked up my pace. My hooves pounding against the grass and I cursed in my head. I ran under the frozen tree and, still in my Animagus form, crawled into the passage way. 

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