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I had been friends with Severus Snape ever since my first year. We had met on the train and connected fast. We both had our issues at home with abusive parents and he was one of the few people who I confided in about my mother. He sympathized with me and I was always appreciative. He told me about his home life and I comforted him. James and the rest of the Marauders would bully him and I would always break it up. I didn't like how Severus was being treated and I didn't like it when James would get in trouble for his actions, but no matter how many times I interfered James would continue his attacks. I would always make sure that they didn't hurt each other to much, but it would always end up in something bad, but this never drove Severus and I apart. Until today.

James and I sat with the others on the edge of the Great Lake. James had made a full recovery and his ribs were completely healed. Remus was writing something on a piece of parchment, while Peter, James, and Sirius were having a conversation. I started happily at the Great Lake, watching the giant squid splash the water happily.

"I'm bored!" I heard James say.

"I wish it was a full moon." Sirius groaned. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the lake. All of a sudden I her a shuffling and I turned to see Peter, James, and Sirius walking towards Severus. I made eye contact with Remus and he rolled his eyes, beginning to stand. He help me up and together we began following the three.

"Snape!" James called out pointing his wand and Severus. Severus pulled out his own wand , but James was to quick. He disarmed Severus easily. Severus cursed and James laughed.

"You should wash you mouth out, Snivellus." Sirius said. James shot a spell that hit Severus right in the face. He fell backwards and I ran past the three boys and helped him to his feet. He opened his mouth to say something, but only pink bubbles came out. I rolled my eyes and did the counter charm. Severus pointed his wand at James, but before James could do anything, Severus shot a spell that sliced James's cheek.

"James!" I yelled, "Why would you do that?"

"You'll pay for that one, Snivellus!" James roared, his cheek bleeding. He used a levitation spell that made Severus float up and flip upside down, revealing his greying underpants. I rolled my eyes at James and was about to say something else, but someone else beat me to it.

"Let him go, Potter." Lily's voice came from the side. I turned to her and she gave me a smile. 

"Ya James, let him go." I said again. James didn't look at me, but only at Lily.

"I will if you go out with me." James said. My heart dropped and I tried to hide my the disappointment on my face. I met Remus and Sirius's eyes and the gave me a sad look. I just shrugged and looked back at the witch and wizard.

"I would rather go out with the giant squid in the lake." Lily retorted making a few people laugh.

"James. Let him go, do make me hex you." I said. he turned to me and smirked.

"You wouldn't." He said jokingly.

"James." I said again. he rolled his eyes and Severus dropped to the grass. Lily walked over and helped me pick him up, but as we reached to help him he slapped our hands away. We both looked at him, confused at why h did that.

"You should thank them Snivellus." James said. Severus looked at Lily, and scowled in disgust.

"I don't a filthy mudblood to help me." Severus said bitterly. Immediately I pulled my wand out, ready to stpuify him, but Lily grabbed my arm and pushed it down.

"Apologize to her!" James yelled his wand pointed right at Severus.

"No, he made his choice," Lily said coldly, "And you should wash your pants, Snivellus."

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