The Dance pt2

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I changed into my gorgeous dress and was now sitting in front of Lily who was doing my hair. My other dormmates, Marline, Piper, and Annie we also getting ready and we were all engaged in bragging about who we were going with. Suddenly, the conversation was turned to me.

"Y/n! You look so pretty in that dress, it was like made for you!" Marline exclaimed when I stood up, when Lily finished my hair. I smiled at her.

"Thank you." I said quietly. I'm not use to getting compliments, so I didn't really know how to respond to them.

"Your date is going to go crazy when he sees you, I wouldn't be surprised if just proposed to you on the spot." Annie said while doing her makeup in the mirror. I rolled my eyes and looked at her.

"I don't think so, plus this is the first time someone's ever asked me to dance before and I do not look that good guys." I said looking in the mirror making sure my lip stick was still intact. Lily slapped my arm. I grabbed it and looked at her.

"Stop being so humble! You look gorgeous, own it!" She said making the whole room erupt in giggles. Lily had her hair up in a tight, but elegant bun and wore a beautiful light pink dress that went well with her eyes. 

"Who are you going with anyways Y/n?" Annie asked reapplying eye shadow. 

"Let me guys. James Potter." Piper said. I stiffened and turned my attention to the mirror. I hadn't told the rest of them about what happened so they didn't know.

"No, she's going with Daniel Miller. James decided to be a duffer and ask another girl! In front of her!" Lily said. I didn't turn around, but I could already see the shocked faces by the other girls.

"Oh, sweet heart. I'm so sorry." Piper said walking up to me. I just turned around and plastered a fake smile.

"It's fine. He has his date and I have mine. Makes no difference to me." I said, but it did. I wanted so badly to say that I was going with James Potter, but that wasn't going to happen. I looped my arm through Lily's and she stood.

"Ready?" I asked. She smiled.

"As I'll ever be." She said.

"Well see you al at the dance." I said as Lily and I walked out. We made our way down the stone steps and into the common room. Only a few people were in there, one being Remus. He looked at me and his jaw dropped. I stopped and looked at him.

"Well, I can tell you one thing Y/nn. James is going to regret not asking you." Remus said. I smiled.

"Thanks, Moony, but I highly doubt that. Now, I'll see you at the dance. Have fun." I said as Lily pulled me to the portrait hole. The fat lady looked at us.

"You both look very lovely. Godric Gryffindor would be proud." She said. I smiled and we both thanked her. We walked past some stray students and to the staircase leading to the dance. When we got to the top we wait a moment. Our dates were at the bottom their backs turned to us. Everyone in the hallway at the time stopped and looked at Lily and I.

"There all looking at us." I whispered to Lily. She giggled and looked at me.

"Correction, there all looking at you." She said back. My face heated up and I looked down. Our dates turned around and smiled. Daniel saw me and his jaw dropped. I giggled as I approached him.

"You should close your mouth, you don't want flies, now do you." I joked. He chuckled and closed his mouth.

"You looked very beautiful. I think I made the right choice." He said to me holding out his arm. I took it and smiled.

"You look very handsome as well." I said. He smiled and led me into the doors of the Great Hall. the Hall looked so beautiful with all the ice decorations. All the tables had been moved so now laid a humongous dance floor. Three massive Christmas trees sat where the Professor's table once was and the celling had been enchanted to snow. The whole Hall looked like something out of a Christmas Wonderland. As soon as Daniel and I entered the Hall all heads turned towards us. A few gasps and whispers were heard when I walked in and everybody's eyes were on me. I looked around the Great Hall wearing the biggest smile. I looked at Daniel and noticed him glaring at someone. I followed his eyes and saw that he was glaring at none other than James Potter. Although James wasn't looking at Daniel, he was looking at me, his jaw dropped. I turned back to Daniel and tugged him over to a table. I sat down and he did next to me. His gaze didn't break from James and I cleared my throat.

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