When The World Falls Apart

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Iris Schmidt stared blankly while she rode on the back of some blond man's horse. What was it that happened again? A disgusting-looking titan ate her parents? And yet she managed to survive? Everything was a big, giant blur.  But in order for this story to progress, we must know what really happened. In a world where you're either prey or hunter, Iris realized life wasn't as easy as staring out the window, hoping to be free.

        Leaves swayed along with the gentle wind, surrounding the Schmidt family with a cool breeze. Life is peaceful but secluded and lonely. Every time Iris stared out the window of the house her father had built by hand, she imagines what life beyond emptiness felt like. She never had friends nor did she have anything memorable in the 15 years of her life. Located near a forest brimmed with large trees that engulfed their home, life other than her parents were almost non-existent.

She had asked them just a few weeks ago, "Why are we the only ones living here?"

       To which her parents vaguely replied about escaping from a cruel place that imposed great fear among its citizens. They said they barely managed to escape their deaths but other than that, they said nothing else. All her life, she wanted freedom. Iris wanted to be free from the invisible barrier that has managed to trap her inside like a bird in a birdcage. Iris thought the world was cruel for being born in seclusion, but little did she know... it was going to turn crueller.

As the family sat and ate lunch, the atmosphere was quiet. It felt like there was a 3-ton weight hovering on top of their heads. Her parents have talked about titans before. And the three have been aware of the beasts running around the fields. Each day, it was like walking on eggshells. They knew of their existence, but with a sheer amount of luck, they managed to stay alive. Iris's parents felt the table shake through their fingertips. The mom and dad looked at each other as if they already knew what was bound to happen.

        "Dad! What's going on?!" exclaimed Iris but her father didn't bother to say a word. He shoved her inside the tiny basement with little to no explanation.

        "Stay there... and don't even think about moving!" The dad closes the latch with brute force. Iris didn't know what was going on. An earthquake? Could it be? She asked herself. Her eyes widened after she thought of something much worse. Titans. She had never seen one before but her parents talked about them as if their life depended on it.

         For a moment, she stayed quiet. And then all of a sudden her ears were ringing with the sound of the ground shaking that seems to almost rupture her ears. The parents stayed quiet, hiding below the small table, hoping that the formidable force they know as titans won't find them. Their breaths hitched up and down inconsistently. Fear drove through their being and all they wished was for their daughter to stay safe.

The footsteps stop but the fear didn't. Time seemed to have slowed down as Iris stayed hidden.

        "ARGH!" both her parents screamed in terror. She froze, not knowing what to do. When she opened her eyes, a hatchet caught her attention. It was now or never. Iris opened the latch using the force of her body. When she saw her parents horrified, she knew she was going to protect them.

       "IRIS! STAY INSIDE--"

        But it was too late. The footsteps grew faster, louder, and more terrifying. The next thing she knew, the roof that her father had worked hard on was crumpled to pieces. They all looked up and their eyes widened out of fear.

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