The only way is forward

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Later on on the same day...

Surrounded by higher-ups of other squads, Iris sat next to Erwin while the commander sat at the centre, arms crossed. 

        "This is humiliating, plain and Simple. Are you honestly telling us to accept criminals into our fold when we've always held dutifulness in the highest regard?! The morale of the men will plummet if we allow those bottom feeders to join the ranks!" one argued, slamming his fist against the table out of frustration. The other leader of the research squad agreed while Iris and Erwin stayed quiet. 

The others in the room seemed to have the same opinion, unwilling to accept Erwin's decision. The commanded, deep in thought looked at Iris. 

        "Well, Erwin, Iris. You two often go hand in hand in making decisions. Care to explain what got into your minds to make this one?" Iris gasped silently, if she was honest, she had never even heard of Erwin's plan. People often get the misconception that Iris knew anything and everything about Erwin, but she knew nothing. She pondered silently, she was sure Erwin was hiding something too. Now, she was stuck between two opposing sides.  

         Erwin looked at them sincerely. "I understand your concerns but Iris and I can personally vouch for their 3D maneuver skills. Even Levi, their leader, was able to fight against Iris, our top ranker in hand-to-hand combat," he explained, to which none of them still believed. The commander finally spoke, he told everyone about Erwin's new groundbreaking formation and that he would prefer if that formation be used in all battles to lessen the casualties. If those three were as great as Erwin and Iris said, the commander approved of letting them join their expedition.

Approaching it from a different perspective, Iris decided to speak out. "If the morale of our men is what worries you, what do you think they'll think if they see that those three are doing better than them? If they are beaten up over that, their morale had already been low, to begin with. If not, then they should want to prove themselves, they should show us that they could do better than them."

         Section commander, Flagon, frowned, "You have been on Erwin's side since you were 15, I supposed you'd have different opinions to speak for yourself but it appears otherwise," he scoffed. Iris only let out a sigh.

        "Whether or not our opinions differ, we cannot deny their skills. I only ask you to see for yourself," she replied.

        "Both sides are right. This is a big risk however, what Erwin had shown me through all his years as a scout deserves acknowledgement. If Erwin thinks this plan will work, then we shall put our trust in him. What those cretins lack are discipline and manners. Something I'm sure you and Erwin can fix, is that right?" the commander questioned, his voice stern. 

In unison, Iris and Erwin nodded and reassured their commander. With that, the meeting was adjourned. Later on, outside the survey corps grounds, the commander had already introduced the three to the rest of the squadron. Some of them were interested, some of them were accepting yet, of course, some of them were frustrated. How could three criminals join a military battalion? Iris was sure they thought of that, however, upon seeing them train. She knew they needed this motivation to do better.

Introduction aside, Hanji stretched her arms and let out a big yawn. "I wonder why Captain let us handle those three," asked Moblit but Hange, being tired and sleepy, ignored that question. 

        "He knows the three of us are fully capable of handling them," replied Iris while wiping off the dirt from her blade that Levi had dropped earlier. 

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