| The night of the revelation

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a/n: Holy crap, thank you so much for 2k views!!!!

Iris was staring blankly at the ceiling when she heard a few knocks on her door. She furrowed her brows, there could only be one person that would knock at her door at three in the morning. She begrudgingly opened her door and was immediately greeted by Levi. He was leaning against the wall just beside the wooden door frame. 

        "It's three in the morning," she told him. Levi nodded thoughtfully, entering her room without her permission. 

        "And you're not asleep. The kid's sleeping peacefully downstairs and you're awake." He sat on her bed, his knees supporting his elbows as he leaned forward. 

She sat beside him, sighing. "Did you really think I could sleep?" Levi fell silent. It had only been a day since the failed 57th expedition. Every single thing that she had seen on that day still ached her heart. How was she supposed to sleep knowing that her dear friends were dead? That the girl who took care of her while she was almost dying has passed away? The image of their lifeless bodies remained fresh in her mind. 

Levi, who was also pained about his squad's deaths, met her eyes. "We're on the same boat." She looked away and pressed her knuckles against her lips. 

        "I'm so mad, Levi. I've never been this mad at someone before." His brows raised at her words. Before she could say anything, he wrapped his arms around her. They both fell onto the bed with nothing but an embrace. 

        "You mean, the person controlling that Female Titan, right?" he asked her, almost whispering and placed soft kisses on her cheeks. When Levi felt her head nod, he caressed Iris's hair with his hand. 

        She sobbed. "Yeah..." Iris dug her face in his chest and hugged him tightly. He softened his gaze and continued caressing her head. 


        "Erwin, you've got a letter from Iris," Hanji said after knocking on his office door twice. In her hand was a letter from her best friend. It was seven in the morning after Levi had fallen asleep on Iris's bed. Just a few hours ago, she spent an hour writing the commander a detailed letter.

        Erwin read it three times, making sure he got the information right. His lips turned into a frown while his icy blue eyes stared blankly at her handwriting. "Hanji, what do you know about Annie Leonhart?" the man asked, raising his eyes from the paper. 

        The woman raised her brows, placing a finger near her lips upon thinking. "Well, nothing in particular. But I have heard of that name from the 104th cadet group."

         The commander intertwined his fingers and sighed. "In this letter is a hypothesis on why Iris thinks the female titan belongs to Annie Leonhart-"

        "REALLY?!" Hanji interrupted his words but settled down after receiving an icy glare. 

        "Yes. She's quite short, has blonde hair and light blue eyes. Apparently, she was a fresh graduate from the 104th who joined the Military Police." His eyes narrowed at the letter. "If she was the female titan, then our expedition proves useless." 

       Hanji sat on the chair that was placed in front of his desk. "What makes you think that?"

        "Originally, I planned for the expedition to be a trap. I mentioned the basement in my speech to lure the spy in the squad, thinking that it might interest them. And now, Iris is saying that a soldier from the Military Police owns the female titan. How could Annie Leonhart have known the deepest details in our expedition? How did she know where Eren's position really was?" He gently closed the letter, placing it back in the envelope it came from. 

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