|| I loved you

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        "Iris, Levi. You'll have to go after the Beast Titan in separate ways," Erwin proposed. Levi stood from his seat and looked at him as if he was already against the idea. 

        "To maximize efficiency, you two will have two sneak closer using the Titans on his right and left while we distract him. Meet at the centre and take him down." 

My eyes turned to Levi's and nodded once, initiating my agreement with the commander's plan. The next thing I knew, I was in the air, watching the recruits sacrifice themselves with Erwin's speech in mind. All I could do was apologize as if it was a chant. If we couldn't end the Beast Titan's life, their sacrifice will be for nothing. 

        I gritted my teeth as I slashed the necks of Titans that came my way. I couldn't even keep count how many there were but It all didn't matter in the end because all I saw was red. There was silence before rage, they said. And now that our decoys were dead, it was all up to Levi and I to kill the one pest that kept bothering us. 

Through the thick green fogs, I lowered myself to meet the Beast Titan's  feet. The Titan roared suddenly and when I looked up for a quick seconds, I saw Levi's small figure. He worked his way downward, slashing his arm and eyes while I sliced the Titan's ankles open. As soon as it dropped to its knees, I maneuvered toward its hands and sliced its fingers off.

        The moment I had finally landed on the Titan's back, the raven-haired man had already cut the nape open. He held his blade inside the man's mouth and glared at him. 

        "What are you doing? Kill him!" I demanded. There was no time to waste yet there was a hint of hesitance in his eyes. His deep-blues turned toward me, conflicted. 

        "Iris, listen-"

        "Kill him!"  He wouldn't budge. Levi and I couldn't get in the same wavelength like I thought we would. In a quick motion, I unsheathed my swords and pointed it toward the man's head. 

        "Fine. I'll do it." 

        "Iris! Wait-" I looked into the bearded man's eyes for a few seconds, his pupils were shaking with fear. Such a shame that I couldn't care less. Just before my blades reached his face, the ground trembled. Then, through the thick fog of dust, a Titan's mouth came reaching toward him. 

        "LEVI!" I launched toward him, wrapping my arms around his waist as I pushed us off the giant body. When we both finally stood on both of our feet, the Beast Titan holder had already gotten away. I grasped the handles of my swords tightly, shocked and in disbelief.

        "Why would you..." My fists were clenched hard, I could almost feel my nails digging into my palms. The bitter feeling of having failed Erwin slapped me right in the face. 

        "We could've killed him!" I pulled my arm away from his grasp and looked at him with rage. 

        "Why didn't you?!" Levi's brows met with guilt, kneeling to meet my angered eyes. "His last order was to kill him and I couldn't even follow it!" 

        "At least... Let me do what he had asked me to do. Like the first time." I bit my lip and slammed my palm against the soil in frustration. Dread and fear swirled into my emotions when the ground shook yet again. The pebbles bounced up and down with excitement. We whirled around, a handful of ten to thirteen meter Titans came thumping our way.

        "Shit..." My head turned in the direction of the Beast Titan's escape and realized they hadn't gone too far. 

        "Chase them," Levi said out of the blue as if he knew what I was thinking. The metal blades from his gear clinked as he withdrew them from the case. Without returning a reply, I quickly ran in their direction with my grapple hooks and gas. The cold, musty breeze made me think. What were they planning to do? Save Bertholdt? Save Reiner? Or both? 

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