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I sit there in my kitchen table looking straight at my phone "RDU-90.....RDU-90.....UGGHH WHAT IS THIS THING" I yelled out of frustration. I had been searching for this RDU-90 thing for the past 3 hours and I had no like in finding out what this was "ughh I give up. Why is there no information about this" I gasp "is it maybe it can't be I mean it was it would be wrong for it to be illegal..... right." I sigh and stand up to get ready for bed.

My hand raises up to slap my alarm clock. I stretch and stretch which I don't even know why I do that...I'm still the same height. After a few hours of finally being ready to go to work my phone starts to ring "hello" "HOW LONG ARE YOU GONNA TAKE IVE BEEN OUTSIDE FOR 2 HOURS" "WELL WHY DID YOU COME EARLY DUMB FUCK" "I-I just hurry up will you" " DON'T YOU DARE HANG U-" Before I could finish he hangs up "this dude seriously just....ughhh" I walk outside and Dong-Wook was actually waiting for suddenly I feel bad for making him wait for 2 hours. "Did you really wait for 2 hours." "No I just said that so you'd hurry up" "aish you made me feel bad" I pouted and got in the car "aaww don't give me that cute little pout of yours, I'm not buying you food this time" he chuckles which causes me to send him a glare. "So what's on your schedule today" Dong-Wook starts the conversation as we get to my office "nothing really I finished my case-" "which you lost" he smirks "can you stop...I get it your a good lawyer I don't need you to keep reminding me." I sit in my desk and put my head down, my hand slightly moving around my desk looking for my pen but instead I get a hold of a bright red envelope. 'what is this' I thought as I turn it over to read the back Dong-Wook snatches it away from me "HEY GIVE IT BACK" I yell trying to reach up for it which is impossible for my 5'1 foot self "Babel!?!? You got a letter from Babel?!?!" Dong-Wook says surprised. And finally after 30 min of jumping around I got a hold of the letter....and Dong-Wook was right it is from the Babel company. "W-why would they-" "open it" Dong-Wook says cutting me off and without thinking twice I rip open the bright red envelope.

-Park Citrus
We send you this letter
To hold an appointment with you on Saturday afternoon at 6pm in xxxxx address please be on time our chairman does not like waiting. This meeting has very important matters so please come alone our chairman would like to have a private professional conversation with you Ms. park we hope to see you tomorrow afternoon
-Babel Company

I reread the letter again and again and again. "Why do they want to meet with me" I look up at Dong-Wook "I don't think you should go" he says with a cold tone and all I could do is just stare at the letter in my hands "Y-yeah I think it's better if I don't go". And that was what happened yesterday. Toady I stand infort of a huge house scratching the back of my head "oh Dong-Wook is gonna kill me" I said looking down at my shoes, it's is currently 5:30 pm I've been standing outside this building for and hour or so I didn't want to risk being late. I look up at the house biting my bottom lip 'maybe I should leave I mean maybe this is a trap' I thought to myself as I am about to turn around someone starts to talk "I see you came early Ms. Park" I turn around to see Babel's chairman I immediately bow "Yes hello Sir, I didn't want to risk being late for our meeting" I say standing straight and smiling "I see... But it's actually not me who you are meeting" he responds I raise my left eyebrow. The note specifically said our chairman would like to have a private conversation. He clears his throat "umm come follow me" I follow him up a couple of stairs to a large glass door, as we walk in to the house we are greeted with the sweet scent of coffee.... Wait is this a coffee shop. "Go ahead and sit on the couch I'll be right back..oh by the way my name is Jang Han-Seo" he puts his hand out for me to shake it but when I am about to put my hand on his "Han-Seo hand me a water would you" me and Han-Seo look up at the stair case to see a young man with a towel around his neck and......SHIRTLESS. "OH CHEESES" I say covering my eyes "did you just say cheese's" the shirtless man chuckles "y-yeah sorry I umm it just came out" I said still with my eyes covered. "Han-Seo get me a water and get the pretty lady some coffee yeah" the shirtless man orders "Yes sir" 'sir did he just call him sir' I thought "you can uncover your eyes now" "did you ummm put a shirt on" "what if I don't have a shirt on" he says in a seductive tone, even if I can't see him I know 100% he's smirking i then feel hands wrap around my wrist and pull away from my face 'WHY IS HE SO CLOSE TO ME...Oh he's handsome....NO CITRUS STOP.' "like what you see princess" he says with the biggest smirk "S-sorry" I say moving back a little "Hello I am Park Citrus" I bow "I know I was the one that requested to meet you" he says very calming soon an awkward silence takes over but is soon broken with Han-Seo walking up to us with a bottle of water in one hand and a coffee mug in the other "thank you-" "you can leave now Han-Seo" Shirtless dude now with a shirt cuts me off "Yes sir" Han-Seo bows and walks out of the house. "Ummm I think there's been a misunderstanding I was-" "I am Jang Jun-Woo the official Babel chairman..shall we start with our meeting now... princess" he smirks and looks into my eyes I gulp. I should have listened to Dong-Wook in the first place I dont think this was a good idea...people are right curiosity really does kill the cat atleast I'm not dead.....yet.

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