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Did I hear correctly. Or was it perhaps just my imagination. How do I even reply. I slowly snap out of my thoughts and push him slightly away from me. "s-since it's still early, why don't we go grocery shopping" I says cutting off the weird moment. I slowly turn around to put my shoes on. I really shouldn't have taken them off in the first place. Jun-Woo sighs "we can just order food" "nooo I'm tired of ordering food plus it's your birthday I want to make you something special for dinner later today" I whine a little. He cups my face with his hands and smiles "thank you. I really appreciate everything your doing for me today. No one has celebrated my birthday with me for a while now" he puts his hands down and laughs slightly through the pain. My eyes widen "wait really...not even Han-Seo" he shakes his head slightly. "B-but he's your brother..." I say a bit confused but He just shrugs his shoulders "me and Han-Seo don't exactly have a good relationship. I dont think he even cares." he says and I nod to let him know I understand. I slip my shoes on slowly and Jun-Woo does the same. Once I go over to the door I stop which makes Jun-Woo confused. "Are you ok-" before he could finish I turn to look at him "i-i do too" I say nervously but Jun-Woo just lifts an eyebrow "you what?" I take a deep breath and reply "nevermind" I smile and open the door but he grabs my wrist and pulls me into his chest "you know you can tell me-" "what's going on here."...a voice cuts him off before he could continue...wait that voice... I turn my head towards the way the voice came from..... Han-Seo... I realese myself from Jun-Woo's grip and turn to Han-Seo who slowly starts to approach me. "Han-Seo what brings you here" I say with curiosity. Once he reaches me he grabs my shoulders and slightly pulls me into a hug which I gladly return. "Just wanted to see how you were doing" I pat his back an pull away slightly from the hug "oh I'm doing good" I respond with a smile "that's great. I also see that you two got close huh" I blush slightly "so what if we did" Jun-Woo says standing behind me. Cheeses Crist why am I in the middle of two Giants. Why did I have to be so short. I clear my throat "me and Jun-Woo were just heading to the grocery store since we haven't gone-" Han-Seo cuts me off "you haven't bought groceries. You guys have been here for a week" he replies in disbelief "I know we've just been busy and we haven't had the time till today" "you know eating take out all the time isn't very healthy" he replays while grabbing onto my shoulders "I know that is why from this day on I promise no more take outs" I smile and Han-Seo does the same "okay well I'll take my leave now I just wanted to make sure you were safe. I have work to do back at the company so take care okay" he starts to walk off "wait aren't you forgetting something" I tell him pointing at Jun-Woo slightly. Han-Seo looks at me confused then smiles "oh right" he starts to walk towards me and Jun-Woo. And what came up to my head was 'yay he's going to hug him and say happy birthday' but I was wrong. Instead he came up to me and kisses my forhead. "There. I'll see you soon okay." I didn't know what to say I stayed frozen in my spot. Jun-Woo was right his brother doesn't really care about his birthday day...As Han-Seo walks away I see Jun-Woo crossing his arms in the corner of my eye. "L-lets go-" "you go I'll stay home" Jun-Woo cuts me off and before I could say anything else the door closes behind him. I sigh and start walking to the nearby grocery store. A half an hour of walking past and I finally made it to my destination. A grab a cart and walk through each isle of the store grabbing stuff from the shelf. "You look depressed. Who broke you this time" I hear someone say. I slowly turn around to see the one and only Dong-Wook. He always appears in the weirdest times. "oh shush I'm not depressed" he turns me around to face him and holds my shoulders "that's a lie." OH FUCK THIS I CANT HOLD IT ANYMORE. "When I started working at Babel I met the CEO and I went on a date with him and I immediately liked him and not to mention I kissed him on the first date but I don't even know if we are dating or not and if we are I'm basically cheating on him because then I started to get to know his brother who I think I'm falling In love with which I know is wrong and today he went to visit me at the apartment but his brother was there and he caught us in the wrong moment. Not to mention I've also kissed his brother and when I tried to make him remember that it was his own brothers birthday which I thought he did but instead of remembering he kissed my forhead and my heart wanted to explode also he's so sweet and adorable while his brother is a 2 sided bitch who is sweet at times but then can be a complete asshole and i can't fucking pick so I'm stressing the fuck out. There I told you are you happy now!!" I say really fast and Dong-Wook just blinks several times. "Well shit" I frown "really that's all" I sigh and grab the final things that I need. I finish and pay for everything and walk out with Dong-Wook helping me with some bags "I'll take you home. I'm sure you don't want to walk with all those bags." I dont reply instead I just silently put the grocery bags on his car and hop in. He does the same with his before getting into the drivers seat. He tried to make small talk in the car but fails as my replies are just nods and shakes from my head. He gives up at the end and just stays silent. When we arrive at the apartment building Dong-Wook helps me take the bags up to the room. I take a while to open the door then push it open. I walk in silently and I hear the shower. Hmm I guess he's showering. WAIT OH GOD I FORGOT I CANT LET DONG-WOOK KNOW THAT I LIVE WITH JUN-WOO. I quickly put the bags in the kitchen table and I turn to see Dong-Wook walking in "these are the last bags. Do you need help putting them away-" "No no i-ill do that you can-" before I could finish Jun-Woo opens the bedroom door and stands in the door way with only a towel on his waist. "Your here already..oh and your here too" Jun-Woo says and I let out a nervous laugh and look over at Dong-Wook who's eyes look like they are about to pop out of their sockets. "Dong-Wook I promise it's not want it looks like" I say trying to get Dong-Wooks attention "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HE DOING HERE...AND NAKED!" He points at Jun-Woo with a shocked expression "okay so umm 1 I have no idea why he's naked and 2 we kinda uhh l-live together" he turns to look at me shocked "YOU LIVE WITH HIM" I nod my head slightly "atleast tell me he sleeps on the couch." Jun-Woo chuckles "nope we sleep together buddy" Dong-Wook gasp "and we even cuddle" Dong-Wook covers him mouth with his hand "oh and we've kissed many times" Jun-Woo continues. I turn to look at him with wide eyes and all he does is wink at me. We can tell Dong-Wook has had enough of Jun-Woo's bullshit because he lets out a muffled scream since he's still covering his mouth. I slowly pat his back trying to calm him down. But it's not working. "Oh and-" "STOP GO BACK IN THE ROOM AND PUT SOME CLOTHES ON BEFORE I THROW A CABBAGE AT YOU" I scold Jun-Woo. He laughs and turns around with his hands in the air. IM GOING TO KILL YOU. DAMM YOU JANG JUN-WOO.

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