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(For this chapter BOLD will be English while. NORMAL font will be Korean. Just wanted to give that heads up. Also sorry for not updating in so long I kinda procrastinated and I've been busy this chapter was just sitting here unpublished for months lol)

Half the plane ride has been complete silence between the two of us, me not having the courage to talk and him busy being upset. Letting out a sigh I realized I would have to be the bigger person and try to come up with a conversation to at least lighten up the mood and make this ride less boring than it already was. "So..what's the plan for when arrive, anything I have to keep in mind?" I ask as I dry my sweaty palms on my pants being slightly nerves of what he would say next. I turn to look over at jun-woo, to see that he is showing no emotion while saying nothing, all he does is look down at the papers Infront of him completely ignoring my existence. "Still not gonna talk to me huh? Great all because of a Damm. Fucking. pen." I brush a piece of my hair behind my ear in frustration and turn to look out the window. "A pen that MY BROTHER gifted you" I turn to look at him in disbelief "its not that serious Jun-woo" he places the papers down and whips his head over to me "what else are you hiding from me huh, what else should I know, is there more I should know of?" I roll my eyes in disbelief "nothing there's nothing I'm not hiding anything and there's nothing more to know I can't believe you would even think that." Saying nothing in return he turns back to the papers Infront of him while I look back at the window feeling a deep pain in my heart all I want to do is go back home, I should have never come on this trip with him in the first place, in fact i should have never gotten associated with him in the first place all this was a mistake.

~~Magical Time Skip~~ 

We have finally arrived in America,  shit was less exciting then I thought it would be, grabbing my suit cases and my backpack I quietly made my way to the taxi that was waiting Infront of the airport. "Hello ma'am would you like me to put your bags in the back" the kind taxi driver offers, all I do is give him a nod and hand him my backpack while slipping into the backseat of the taxi car. "I apologize she doesn't speak much English" I hear Jun-woo tell the driver which makes me scoff and roll my eyes in annoyance. He gets in the car and we drive off to the the hotel where we will be staying in for a few days, getting off to grab my luggage I make sure to thank the driver before walking in to check in. I let Jun-woo deal with that because according to him 'i don't speak much English'. We walk up to our room and the first thing I do is lay down in the soft mattress relaxing my body into it. "You really gotta learn English if we're going to be doing this trips every now and then" he says breaking the silence in the room, I bury the side of my face into the soft pillow closing my eyes "I do speak English, my name is literally- nevermind I need a nap" I say tiredly not wanting to share any conversation with him at the moment. "I- well sorry to burst your bubble but we have to put paper work together" I groan in response "no sir that was all you I had put the papers perfectly together before we left Korea but your moody ass messed them up on the plane" I look up and face him pointing my finger at him "you did it so you fix them" I lay back down closing my eyes once more "that ain't my problem" I say as I hear him scoff and slam the papers on the side table. What happened later I have no idea I completely drifted off to dream land having a wonderful dream but like all good things sadly they come to an ending, waking up I notice the lamp near the desk forming a silhouette in the wall next to it forming Jun-woo masculine body form. Yawning I push my body up seeing Jun-woo still trying to fix the paper work trying place them in their designated folders. "Are you really still organizing" he turns over at the sound of my voice and nods slightly before turning back, I sigh and stand up making my way over to him standing on the side of the table. "The paper your holding goes on the blue folder, this one goes on the green, while this one goes on red not the blue..." I start to slowly guide him to where each paper had to be, feeling him slowly let go of the stress he was feeling "and there see that wasn't so bad, what would you do without me huh" I say as I pat his back "now go rest we have meetings to attend to tomorrow, you need to be ready for those" I instructed him as I walk off into the kitchen grabbing a water from the small fridge in the room, I take a sip feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, choosing to ignore it I walk back into the room seeing Jun-woo fast asleep "Damm.. bro passed out" I say to myself while looking at him, finally deciding to check my phone I pull it out from my pocket reading the message from Han-seo asking me if we landed okay, responding with a yes I slipped my phone back into my pocket making my way to sit in the corner of the room and start to contemplate my life decisions and wondering just how in the world I ended up here and why I chose to end up here in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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