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That same exact night I ran to my refrigerator and grabbed 2 bottles of Soju after quickly running back to the living room to sit on the floor in front of my small red coffee table. "And here you go" I say as i hand a bottle over to Jun-Woo "thanks" he replies opening it. I nod "so what's the plan" I asked curiously. He drinks some of his Soju then replies "simple we just stall them till they have no more evidence or witness to prove their point." I raise my eyebrow. Is he serious. "that's it" I say sadly. To be honest with you all I was a tiny bit disappointed. Knowing the person he is. I was expecting Jun-Woo to come up with a more evil like plan kinda ish. But really that's all he could come up with. He proceeded to nod slowly "yeah pretty much" I sigh "okay I guess I'll make it work." 5 hours later and many more bottles of Soju I got to say I was feeling quite okay. Jun-Woo on the other hand he...I think he had a bit to much to drink. "Citrussss" he calls out and I laugh a little and turn to look at him "yes sir" he then puts his index finger on my lips "ssshhhhh. Don't call me sir. We're friendssssss." he says and I try to hold in my laugh but I fail at doing so. This is to funny. "OKAY! Jun-Woo I think it's time to call a Taxi for you" I grab my phone but before I could dial the number for a taxi my phone is slapped out of my hand "No don't call taxi they are dangerous" I blink slowly and laugh again. "okay then you should call Han-Seo-" he cuts me off "no I don't wanna go yet" that causes me to flick his forehead he then groans and rubs his forehead. "we have to go to sleep it's litterly midnight we have trial tomorrow siily dude" he stands up. Tubblimg a little and hits the button on my small little radio I have next to my TV a slow song starts to play. My eyes widen. Oh no. "Dance with me" Jun-Woo says putting his hand out for me to grab. I shake my head aggressively "n-no Jun-Woo sorry i-i don't dance" he grabs my hand "c'mon just one..time" I sigh and give in. Theres no fighting him in this one. "fine" but as soon and I stand up on my feet Jun-Woo tumbles and falls. "Oh god Jun-Woo are you okay" I kneel down in front of him. "oh good he's still breathing that means he's okay. Right?" I blinked multiple times and think for a few moments. "maybe I should put him on the couch." After struggling for atleast a half an hour I finally got Jun-Woo to lay on the couch so he could sleep. "Gosh my back hurts." I say stretching my back a bit "why on Earth is he so heavy" I scoff and quickly go and change into my PJs and grab a pillow and a blanket from inside my closet. "This shall do it". I slowly tip toe back to the living room not wanting to wake him up. I camly lifted Jun-Woo's head and set the soft pillow down before lowering his head on it. I then back away and pick up the blanket I got for him off the coffee table and try to set it on top of him while makimg sure he was well covered before going back to my room and finally laying down to rest for the night. The next morning I woke up super early to make Jun-Woo some hangover soup because I know he'll surely need it. I tried not to make any noise but when I took the pan out if the pantry all the pans came down making so much noise. I then quickly stood up and turned my head towards Jun-Woo who just shifted in his sleep. I sigh in relieve and continue to make his soup. After finishing I head to the living room and kneel in front of him. I slowly comb his hair with my hand and try to wake him up. "Good morning sleepy head I made you some soup" he groans I smile and take the strands of his hair away from his face. "Jun-Woo c'mon we have to hurry and get ready" he groans once more "for what?" He asks and omg. His voice. It's deeper than usual. Damm. I shake my head and snap out of my thoughts "we have trail today" he shakes his head "no that's till.. umm...Monday" he says then turns to sleep again. I giggle "Jun-Woo sir." I clear my throat "it is Monday" he then opens his eyes wide and quickly stands up "I gotta go" I then grab his writs "YAH!! I made you soup be nice and eat it atleast" he rolls his eyes "okay okay I'll eat it" we both sit down on my kitchen table and I serve some soup for him. "now eat" I demand he playfully salutes then smiles "yes ma'am" I pat his head "good". While Jun-Woo is eating his soup a light knock is heard " you can come in" I say out loud already knowing who is was . After 2 minutes Han-Seo then appears in my kitchen "hey" I turn and smile "hi" I greet back. Jun-Woo turns to look at Han-Seo "what are you doing here" he scoffs "I called him" I say. Jun-Woo looks at me and raises his eyebrow "why" I place some washed plates in there prospective area and then look at Jun-Woo. "Well so he can take you home and so you can get ready for later" he chuckles "you do know I drove here right?" I nod "yeah but I don't think it's safe for you to drive with a headache" he stands up "I'll be fine. Go home Han-Seo". Han-Seo nods but before he walked away I stopped him. "No Han-Seo stay and hold on. And you" I point at Jun-Woo. "Listen to me and go with Han-Seo" Jun-Woo scoffs "you think I'll listen to you" I sigh and walk up to Jun-Woo and make puppy eyes "please Jun-Woo I just want you to be safe" I pout he shakes his head "nope. No I will not fall for that" I pout again and make my puppy eyes once more "please" Jun-Woo groans "UGH okay fine I'll go" Jun-Woo grabs his coat and and starts to walk outside. I laugh "that was cute" Han-Seo says I then glare at him "I'm still mad you" he then pouts "oh c'mon I'm sorry I really am" he then makes puppy eyes I giggle " you using my own truck won't work on me mister". He grabs my hand gently "please forgive me" he kisses the back of my hand. I look away trying to keep a mad impression but I fail to. "Okay fine I forgive you" Han-Seo puts his hands up in the air "YES!" I giggle "you should go Jun-Woo needs to get ready" he nods "yeah I also need to get ready since I will be watching you do your thing today" my eyes widen "your going to the trial" he nods "yep so good luck make me proud" I chuckle "I'll try" he smiles and kisses my forhead "I'll see you later okay" I nod while blushing. He smiles and waves as he walks out. How could I not forgive that cutie pie. He's makes my heart flutter more and more each day. Well time to get ready. I sigh deeply and start my routine.

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