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I stand there showing no emotion. But in a reality I don't know what to say to him. One part of me wants to go back where I started. Way before I took the Babel case, but the other wants to stay here. With Jun-Woo. "Please don't leave" Jun-Woo begs once more. But when he sees that I show no emotion he lets out a groan of frustration then gets down on his knees. My zero emotion face turns into complete shock. "What are you doing get up" I panic a little and try to lift him up by pulling his arm. "Not till you promise that your going to stay" I slowly let go of his arm and sigh in defeat. This dude is driving me insane. "Okay fine I'll stay" he quickly stands from his position and hugs me tightly catching me off guard but I push him away. "but you have to come clean first" he sighs and nods "I'll go set an appointment with the judge for tomorrow" I nod and watch as Jun-Woo walks out and enters his office which is in front of mine. I pull out my phone from my pocket and quickly call Vincenzo. "We need to meet up. It's urgent." Once he agrees I make my way towards the restaurant Vincenzo told me to go to. I take a seat in front of him as soon as I spot him. "What do you need?" he asks "he's gonna do it" I say softly he looks up at me in shock "that was easier than I thought" I nod but continue on. "but I need a favor from you." He puts one hand down on the table and leans back on his chair "and that favor is...." I gulp "I know Jun-Woo will get charges and possibly go to jail for it. So please I beg you please don't let that happen" He looks at me confused "how do you expect me to do that" "I know who you are Mr. Cassano. I'm not that dumb. I also know that everything is possible for you." He smirks slightly and nods "very well then I'll do my best" I smile softly "thank you. I'll get going now" I stand and grab a hold of my coat making my way out walking towards the bus stop. I ended up staying at a hotel for the night. I just wasn't ready to go back. I still wanted some alone time. Luckily Cha-young was able to bring me extra clothes so I wouldn't wear the same ones from yesterday. I am now making my way towards the court room. My palms are sweaty, my hands are shaking, I honestly feel like I'm going to faint anytime soon. As soon as I open the door I see everyone in there corresponding spots. I slowly but awkwardly make my way towards Jun-Woo who looks somewhat confident himself. "You didn't come home last night" Jun-Woo says as I stand next to him "I stayed in a hotel" I reply honestly. He scoffs "I litterly apologized. There was no reason for you to do that" I turn to face him "yeah because you saying 'please stay, don't go' was gonna make any difference" I scoff before continuing "and actually you never really apologized. Just saying you know." I shrug and look away from him. He shakes his head slightly "fine. I'm sorry. There happy. I apologized" I place my hand on my chin acting as if I was thinking "hmm nope that didn't sound very genuine" he groans in frustration and I smile in satisfaction. Soon the judge makes his way in. "Why have you come here today" the judge start his voice sounding a bit annoyed. Jun-Woo clears his throat "I am here to come clean your honor. You see I had given my lawyer here a false paper work" Jun-Woo states and he hands over the false and the true pieces of paper side by side. The judge looks over them and then turns his gaze up to me. "You were the lawyer. Correct?" I nod "yes sir" "you do know there will be serious consequences for lying in court." Jun-Woo then steps a few feet forward "yes your honor and I am ready to face those consequences-" the judge cuts him off "not you" he points at me "she will be the one facing those consequences" he motions over at two officer. My eyes widen "wait what-" "but sir Mr. Jang was the one that gave her the false paper work. She shouldn't be the one being held." Vincenzo tries to help out as an officer starts to put handcuffs around my wrist. "She might not have been the one to have discovered the false paper. But she was the one who presented false evidence. A good lawyer checks their evidence twice." I was slowly getting pulled away felling a tear roll down my eye. I dont want to go to jail. My license of being a lawyer could be taken away. I worked so hard for my license..or atleast I think I did. Jun-Woo quickly runs towards me "I'll get you out I promise okay trust me on this." I nod as my tears slowly fall one by one. I look over at Vincenzo who motions me saying to stay calm that he will do his best. I look down at my shoes and walk with the officers. There's nothing I can do now I guess. I can't fight through this.

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