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"you can do this. It's just quick. You'll be in and out in no time" I spoke to myself trying to grab courage to knock on the front door of Cha-young's small office. I know she won't be happy to see me but I have to give her this paper. "Oh hello how can I help you" I man with glasses opens the door slightly "I'm here to talk to Cha-young. It will be quick" I say with a smile "who is..what do you want Citrus" Cha-young says as she appears with a cold expression "just here to talk and I have something that I think you might want." She looks unamazed but lets me in since what I have to give her interested her. We take our seats In a small table that is set nicely in the middle of the office room. "Nice umm office" I say trying to break the awkwardness but I just made it worse. "Just say what you need to say so you can leave." I nod and hand her the small piece of paper "it's Choi Myung-hee's location" she takes the paper from my hand and hands it to Vincenzo. She doesn't take her eyes of me even for a second. She acts as if I'm going to do something to her. "I'll take my leave now" I say as I turn around ready to walk out but she stops me. "why did you do that" she asks "do what?" I respond "first you betray us then know you try to help us" she says and I shrug my shoulders "im only doing what I think is right" she scoffs "we trusted you Citrus" I roll my eyes "Cha-young atleast be glad I'm making your live easier by giving you that ladies location." she stays still in her place and I continue "I'm helping you in locating who killed your father and just so you know I wasn't the one who found her it was Jun-Woo" Cha-young looks at me Surprised "wow i-i don't know what to say" she has a shocked expression on her face and I sigh "I have to go." I make my way out of the apartment building to then look back at it "I guess I won't be seeing you anymore." I raise my hand up and wave at the building as if it could wave back. I slowly place my hand back down by my side and take my leave. And since Jun-Woo isn't allowed to go anywhere I get to use his car. I look over at the orange folder that is placed on the passenger seat. I sigh "it's for the best" I say to myself and turn on the car making my way towards my next destination. Babel. Making my way inside was nothing different the people here always with their staring problems. I guess you can say ive gotten use to it now I just brush it off and keep walking to were I need to go.
------HAN-SEO'S POV--------
I was sitting with my head on my desk watching some YouTube videos since I don't have work to do. Ever since Jun-Woo became the chairman ive had nothing to do. I feel a little useless sometimes. But now that he's away im afraid that the company is going to fail and be in dept. I know for sure that that might happen but I can't do anything about it. I don't have permission to do anything. I sigh and close my eyes but then soon my peace is interupted my a slight knock on my door. "Come in" I say softly not even making the effort In opening my eyes. "I'm glad you had nap time because you won't be getting any naps after today" a chuckle follows after and I open my eyes widely "Citrus what brings you here" I stand and make my way towards her and she hands me an orange envelope "it's from Jun-Woo." I hesitate for a moment but grab the envelope and open it slowly. Please don't be something bad. As I read the paper my eyes soon widen. "This..this isn't a joke right" I ask and she shakes her head. "Welcome back chairman Jang Han-Seo" she smiles and I smile back "please tell Jun-Woo I said thank you" I say and she nods "Im sorry I can't stay long I really have to go but I'll be back on Monday" she says. I nod but before she leave I clear my throat and give her a serious face "don't be late to work on Monday got it" she smiles and bows "yes sir." We both laugh and she makes her way to he door waving good bye at me. I can finally make this company to the company it was before... The way my father left it.
I had finally arrived home still with a smile on my face from seeing Han-Seo's reaction. He really did want to be the Chairman. He looked so happy when he read the paper. I really hope he makes Babel an amazing company. Not that it wasn't..I mean... nevermind I can't lie that company was really fucked up. I make my way inside kicking of my shoes because I'm that lazy and hanging my coat in the nearby coat rack. I can hear the Angry birds game noises coming from the living room which is soon followed by a groan of frustration. "Did you lose again" I say as I walk in. Jun-Woo turns to look at me with a pouty face. "Yeah I can't seem to pass this level" I laughs and make my way towards the kitchen to make some food since I was hungry and I bet Jun-Woo is too. After getting all the ingredients I needed I started to cut the vegetables. Jun-Woo walks in the kitchen coming towards me and wraps his arms around my waist from behind "I may have lost in angry birds but I won and even hit the highest score in getting the most gorgeous and the most amazing girl in the world." He says as he places his head on my shoulder "your being really cheesey today" I say as I laugh "but you love it so don't whine" he says. I got to admit I really do love it when he's cheesey. Jun-Woo is different he's not the devilish person that everyone See's all the time. He's kind...or atleast to me he is. "How did it go with Han-Seo" he asks letting me go and grabbing the bag of baby carrots from the counter. "It went good I didn't really stay long but I can tell you that he was very happy" I responded while I kept cutting some vegetables. "And how about with Cha-young and Vincenzo?" He asks before putting a baby carrot in his mouth. Before I respond I laugh slightly since his cheeks looked puffy from the carrot "it started of down hill and it stayed down hill. I dont think I'll have the same friend ship that I use to have with them" I place the vegetables into a bowl as I say that and hear Jun-Woo sigh. "I'm sorry it's all my fault. I should have been a better person" I turn around as I hear him say that "Jun-Woo it's not your fault" I make my way towards him and start caressing his cheeks with my hands. He looks down at his feet and I sigh "oh c'mon where did the flirty and cheesy Jun-Woo go" I say and he starts to smile but then before I knew it he starts to tickle me. "He has been replaced with the tickle monster." The whole rest of the day was filled with laughs and cuddles and I loved it I would not change this happy feeling for anything in the world.

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