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Im currently sitting in my kitchen table while eating some small plate full powdered cookies don't worry I'm not eating them alone. "So why'd you come visit me this time. Got another plan." I laugh "nope no more plans" Dong-Wook laughs grabbing a cookie. "Good no more crazy plans. So then what's up" he puts his cookie down "I honestly just wanted to say good luck tomorrow" I look at him confused "goodluck to you as well I guess" he chuckles "I'm serious this time. No jokes." He points at me "just remember what we promised last time" I nod " Yes I sure do. Whatever happens in the court room will not effect our friendship in any way no matter what happens." I say he claps "yes ma'am" we high five each other. As we continue to eat the powdered cookies. He tries to keep the conversation going. "You know these have been the longest months of my life" I laugh "awww the big baby misses me" I say and lightly punch his shoulder "of course I do your my best friend we are practically inseparable." I nod and smile "yes sir we sure are and we forever will be." I say while biting into my cookie. Then something popped into my head "hmm let's promise something else. Just this one last thing" Dong-Wook looks at me and nods "what's up" I place my cookie down "let's promise that we will show real evidence in court. So in better sense let's be honest in the trail." He nods "okay sounds good" I shake my head and put my pinky up "promise it" he smiles and connects his pinky with mine "lock it" he demanded and I immediately place my thumb against his "there happy" I smile "very" he says as we let go and laugh. "Remember when we were still in law school" I say which causes him to laugh "yep I remember i had to drag you into class on the first day." I scrunch my nose "I didn't wanna go" I cross my arms "but you still went" I glare at him "because you practically dragged me into the class" we both laugh remembering the good times "those days were something" I nod in agreement he then suddenly stands up "well kiddo I gotta go. Gotta go organize everything for tomorrow" I sigh "me too. Well just kinda gotta recheck if everything is okay for tomorrow" he nods slightly "ight I'll see you tomorrow" I snap my fingers and point at him "yes sir I will" I laugh and wave as he leaves and he makes sure to lock the door before walking out like always. He tends to do that alot. He says if he doesn't do it then I'll get robbed because I'll forget to lock the door myself. He's crazy but right at the same time because I do always forget. As I step into my room the first thing I see is all the paperwork that is needed for tomorrows trail are found all over my bed. Since I was reading them before Dong-Wook came by. I sigh and start to pick them up while making sure to put them in order and in there prospective folders. Either Pink or Blue. "pink one, blue one,pink one, blue one." I repeat that over and over as I review page after page. "And done" I say and clap proudly at myself as I finish putting all the paperwork were it goes I then head to my bag to make sure that the USB is still there and thank the Lord it's still exactly where I put it. Which means it hasn't been touched. I take a deep breath. Then move on to take my time to chose the outfit for tomorrow. But wait. Why in the world am I choosing an outfit it's a trail not the fucking presidents party. I faceplam myself. I'm so dumb. and I end up going with the the royal blue suit. "Okay I'm what do I do" I blink several times "..I'm bored.." I pout. Now I calmly proceeded to do what I do best and that is binge watch a kdrama. "OH CMON STOP BEING A FUCKING CHICKEN AND KISS HER" I yell at the actor and throw popcorn at my TV all a sudden a knock in my door gains my attention away from the TV. I let out a sigh "I'm coming!!" I yell out and take my glasses off to place them on the little table next to the sofa. It take me a while to gain full vision back but i proceed to walk over to my front door. "Yes how can i- oh Jun-Woo whats up" I say as I open the door he then lifts up a paper "I found something that might help us" I scoff and grab the paper and read through it after a while my eyes then widen and sparkle. "This is the paper that confirms Han-Seo agreed to quit making RDU-90" he nods "yep it's dated and signed. And the date it was signed was before we got a case involved for it" I gasp "so that would mean that Vincenzo did a false accusation" he nods "yes exactly because.." "THE RDU-90 HAD BEEN CANCELLED ALREADY" we say in unison and high five each other. "That means with this I can easily win this case" he nods "yeah but atleast lets make it fun before we defeat them with that." he smirks and I smile "you are a very evil person Mr. Jang Jun-Woo" he nods "I know. I've been told many times." we both laugh at his comment. "come in let's plan something for tomorrow." he nods and walks on in to my house to my sofa. I like how I just told Dong-Wook not to make up any crazy plan and look who's making a plan now. It's not bad right?... Oh Citrus your so evil.

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