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"I DONT WANT TO GO" "I DON'T CARE SHE INVITED BOTH OF US SO WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT WE ARE GOING." You might be asking what in the world is going on. Well Cha-young had sent me a quick text a couple minutes ago telling me to bring Jun-Woo along with me since she's taking Vincenzo she said it would be good for them so they could start to get along. So I'm practically dragging him with me but he won't budge. "She practically just invited you" he says whining and I roll my eyes "No she invited you aswell since Mr. Cassano is going" I say as I slightly pull him towards the front door. "Look I'm not going. Today is a very special day for me and I want to stay here and rest. Plus I don't want nothing to do with that dude." he says as he frees himself from my hold "oh Cheeses what are you going to do. Your taxes or something" I start crossing my arms and rolling my eyes "no it's actually my-" "just please come with me please" I say cutting him off while pouting and making puppy eyes which causes him to laugh. "that look might have worked on me with the kids we visited last time but it won't work with you" he looks at me with a smile and I only pout more and look down at my feet and start to fake cry. I then hear him sigh "okay okay you won I'll go with you." He lift my head and kisses my pouty lips "just don't pout again. It makes me weak" I smile brightly and pull him out with me "Thank you thank you I promise we'll have fun" he then intertwines our hands together and walks next to me down the stairs. "Oh look at the love birds" I hear Cha-young say as we walk down. I just let out a nervous laugh while I blush. "I'm sorry if we're late I had a little trouble getting this man out of the apartment" Cha-young laughs "no worries I also had a little trouble." She taps Vincenzo's shoulder."But now that we are all here let's go" she pulls Vincenzo with her and I do the same with Jun-Woo. A few minutes of walking have passed by and we have now made it to the suit shop. I had tried so many suits on that I even lost count .The boys went to go look at some jewelry mostly just watches but they seem to be having a conversation. That's surprising. Me and Cha-young stayed in the suit section. "So how did you even get interested in Jun-Woo" she asks while she's gets her measurements taken. I panic. What do I say. I can't just tell her we kissed outside an orphanage, cuddled and then BOOM I fell in love with him. Oh Citrus c'mon just think if something. Quickly. "He umm helped me on the case." I say after a long silence. She turns to look at me confused "that's it." she asks "umm yeah he just helped me and as time went by I just fell in love with him" I laugh nervously. she nods still a bit confused "I guess that's umm cute. Which reminds me what kind of present did you get him." Now it was my turn to be confused. What did she mean by that. why would I get Jun-Woo a present. "Umm what do you mean" I ask and she suddenly gasp "did you not know" I widen my eyes "know what" she facepalms herself "it's his birthday." My eyes widen even more. OH MY GOD. I DIDNT EVEN KNOW. "I d-dint know." wait. Is that what he meant with 'today is a special day'. Oh cheeses why am I so dumb. I hear Cha-young laugh softly. "Don't worry I can help you find something for him this shop has many things to offer." My eyes sparkle from her offer "thank you I really appreciate it" she nods as the lady is done taking her measurements she moves on to take mine. Jun-Woo sits camly in the  couch next to the mirrors where I am standing. He waves at me and I wave back with a smile and he continues to admire me from afar. Moving on from that Cha-young did me a favor and had asked Vincenzo to distract Jun-Woo while we find him a gift. I ended up getting him a nice blue and gold pen with his name printed on it. I know it's not much but its the thought counts. Right?. I quickly hide the pen in my bag together with my suit before Jun-Woo could see it. After grabbing some lunch together we headed home. It was surprisingly still early but I couldn't wait to give him his gift. I was excited. I even bought a little cake which I had to call Dong-Wook to bring to the apartment with a small candle. He questioned about it at first but he gave up since I wasn't telling him why I wanted the stuff for. The bag was set outside the door since Dong-Wook doesn't have a key to enter he left it outside. I quickly run to pick up the bag before Jun-Woo would get the chance to see it. "What was that" Jun-Woo asks "oh nothing let's just go inside. I quickly unlock the door slip off my shoes and into the kitchen. "Your weird." Jun-Woo says laughing a bit as he makes his way to the couch. I grab the pen from the bag I had put it in. The pen was inside a beautiful white and black colored box which had a small red ribbon holding it together. "Perfect" I whisper to myself as I make my way over to Jun-Woo who slowly makes eye contact with me while I walk towards him. I sit in the coffee table just to make sure I was in front of him. "Happy birthday" I say pulling out the box from behind me. His eyes sparkle and his smile widens "how did you know. I don't remember telling you" I shrug "a little birdy told me. Now open it" I say in excitement he laughs softly and opens the box removing the red ribbon once it's open he slowly pulls out the pen from inside the box. "I know it's not much but-" "I love it" he says cutting me off. He looks at the pen with sparkle in his eyes before looking at me "thank you" he smiles and I do the same "wait that's not all" I skip towards the kitchen and quickly light up the candle. "Happy birthday to you" I continue to sing Happy birthday to him as he slowly stands up from the couch and makes his way towards me. "Happy birthday dear Jang Jun-Woo, happy birthday to you" I finish the song and he blows out the candle. He slowly removes the cake from my hands to set it in the table next to us. He pulls me into a hug which I gladly return. He then presses his forehead against mine and what he says next was something I never expected to hear from him. "I love you"

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