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A loud smack was heard inside my four closed office walls. Litterly just from a stapler, "dramatic ass stapler" i say putting it back in it's corresponding spot. I slowly placed the now nicely stapled papers into a yellow folder that Han-Seo had given me and take a deep breath leaning back in my chair tired from all the paperwork. I didn't know missing so many days would lead me to have so many paperwork due. Babel needs to hire an extra lawyer to help me. As i am on the bridge of falling asleep a knock was heard, i groaned softly out of frustration before giving whoever is was permission to come in. "Don't you look happy being back at work" a voice says sarcastically as they walk in. "Oh yeah it's the best thing ever" i say looking up and seeing Han-Seo. He laughs "you can always have more resting time if you need it" my eyes light up "will i get paid during that time" he shakes his head "not a penny" i groan as he says that and hand him the folder while putting my head down on my desk. He laughs once again "I'll see you later Citrus." That is the last thing I hear from him before hearing my office door close. After i thought i was going to get i few minutes for a quick nap. I hear the door open once more "if it's more paper work i don't want it" i say with no hesitation. "Thank fully it's just your amazing boyfriend bringing you lunch" as soon as he says that i smell the fresh food in his hands and i immediately stand up from my chair and hurry towards him "FOOOOOODDD" i say running to him. As i get to him i quickly take the bag from his hand and kiss his cheek "thank you" i say happily taking the food over to my desk. As we are in the middle of eating and talking, my computer makes a ding noise letting me know i had received something. I placed my fork down and clicked on the notification that was placed on the right side of my computer screen. As Jun-woo continues to talk i carefully read through the paper i didn't wanna interrupt him since he seemed really into the conversation we were having. As i finish reading my smile had disappeared and it seemed to be pretty noticable since Jun-woo realized really quick and set his own fork down before looking at me concerned. "You okay" he asks and i turn my computer around to show him "you and Han-Seo have alot of explaining to do. What is this." I point at my computer.  Jun-woo looks at my computer before looking at me with a serious face "what about it" he shrugs his shoulders "what do you mean 'what about it'" i say mimicking him before continuing "Jun-woo really i thought we were done with this" i say a little disappointed while he just seems unbothered and continues to eat "sure it's nothing important just fucking ignore me like I'm not here" i say sarcastically and i close my bento box since this made me lose my appetite. "It's literally nothing" he says and i slam the bento into the desk "really Jun-woo. Nothing. You are bringing back the RDU-90 that's the reason why babel went through hell and back-" before i could continue he cuts me off "and that won't happen this time" he then starts to close his bento "and how are so sure about that" i say and he looks up and me making eye contact and smiles "because we have the best lawyer anyone could ask for" i roll my eyes and get up from my chair "this is no time for your flirtatious jokes. I'm not going to sign that paper" i say pointing at the screen before making my way towards the shelf full of paperwork from cases and pulling out the binder filled with the RDU-90 case. "C'mon its for our advantage. This will help the company grow financially plus we won't be working alone this time" Jun-woo says and he wraps his arms around me from behind "we have help from a few companies in America which letting you know in advanced we will be meeting the CEO's of those companies next week" i take a deep breath and losen myself from his grip turning towards him "i may have been able to save the company the first time but if anything happens this time. I probably won't be able to" i walk back to my desk before hitting the print button on my computer. As i hear the printer release the paper i start to rethink my decision. Should i really sign this paper or should I not. I slowly turn to grab the paper bringing it back to my desk holding my black ink pen close to the signing line with the small X. My eyes make there way towards Jun-woo and i notice that he is standing next to me smiling "im trusting you that this won't get out of hand Jun-woo" he nods and kisses the side of my head "i promise me and Han-Seo have it under control this time" he rubs my back and i sigh signing the paper and handing it to him "there" he grabs the paper with the biggest smile on his face and kisses my cheek several times "i knew i could count in you" he kisses me one last time before continuing "by the way i hope your ready because we have to accompany Han-Seo to a dinner meeting with some random company later tonight" i nod and look at the time "if Han-Seo doesn't give me anymore paperwork my shift will be done in 2 hours" i tell him as he lays in the sofa in the room "maybe he will You've missed many days" i shoot him a death glare "i hope not...knock on wood" i say and Jun-woo knocks in the sofa "babe that's not wood that's leather" he smiles "there had to be something in here that has wood" i smile and sit back down in my desk as i do that my office door slowly opens and Han-Seo walks in with another folder "i need you to go over these" as he says that my eyes go wide "I TOLD YOU TO KNOCK ON WOOD" I yell at Jun-woo and slowly slide down my chair. While Han-Seo stands there looking severely confused.

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