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I sit in my chair with my chin resting on my desk top. My phone right next to me with Dong-Wooks contact name visible on the screen. I've texted him so many times. But he hasn't replied to any. I wonder if he's doing okay I haven't talked to him in almost 3 days. Why is he still mad at me I thought he'd be over it by now. I pout slightly then attempt to hit my forhead on the desk but did you catch the key word 'attempted' and thats because I wasn't able to. Only because someone decided to put their hand on my forhead before I could hit the desk. "Whyyyy" I whine as I look up at the person responsible for not letting me do what I wanted. "Your gonna hurt yourself. Dont do that" Jun-Woo response with a serious tone. I groan. Jun-Woo then proceeds to sit on the chair in front of my desk. "You okay" he asks concerned "Dong-Wook won't talk to me" I pout. He then raises an eyebrow "and why is that" I sigh "he said I lied in court" "oh..." Jun-Woo replies slightly. Just 'oh' really dude. I sigh "I miss my best friend" I tear then slides down my cheek without me noticing and Jun-Woo wipes it off with his thumb "hey don't cry it's okay you can just have a new best friend" I look over at him confused "huh" he nods then stands up "from now on I Jang Jun-Woo am your new best friend" he says proudly. My eyes widen. Is this dude serious. "what
.. are you serious" he nods "yep now get up let's go get some food hmm". Wait...I'm still so confused is he playing around or is he serious..... Before I could do anymore thinking Jun-Woo grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers and pulls me out with him. My heart starts to beat really fast. What is wrong with me. As we walk around I can't help but stare at Jun-Woo's side profile. This dude is handsome how come I've never noticed before. "Your drooling" he says cutting off my thoughts. I freak out and touch my cheek "no I'm not you liar" I pout he laughs lightly "you know you look cute when you pout" my eyes widen and I look away. Why am I blushing I repeat why am I blushing!!! I slap myself lightly. "T-thank you, I guess" he then lets go of my hand and puts an arm around my shoulders "so what would you like to eat" I think for a while.. "I'm not sure." And after a few more minutes of figuring out what to eat we ended up at Subway. "I'll order for us. You go ahead and sit down" I look at him curiously "maybe I should go with you I mean you don't know what sandwich I like so." He winks at me and lets me go. "trust me. I got you" he proceeded to go on his way and order by himself while I take a seat at a table near a window. After a few minutes Jun-Woo comes back. "Here you go" he says while he places both of the sandwiches on the table. "Do you mind if I ask you something" Jun-Woo says handing me a sandwich which he unwraps for me "sure" I say while nodding "are you and my brother a thing" he says so straight forward while taking the paper off his own sandwich and not making eye contact with me. He looks a little mad. I shake my head slowly "not that I know of". I mean me and Han-Seo aren't a thing right. He never really asked me to be his girlfriend so I don't think so.. right. he then nods and looks straight into my eyes "good let's keep it that way" I then take a bite of my sandwich and look at him and once I'm done chewing I continue "what do you mean by that"  he shrugs and just smirks. This dude is weird. But seriously what does he mean buy that. I slowly take a bite of my sandwich again to then realize he-he got the correct sandwich this is usually what I get when I come here. How did he know. "How did you know" I ask "what?" He asks curiously. "how did you know this is my favorite sandwich" he smirks "I know many things about you Citrus" I raise a brow "yeah sure you do" he looks at me "ask away." I put my sandwich down the put my finger against my chin thinking of what to ask. "Hmm what's my favorite color" "easy Purple" my eyes widen "what's my favorite animal" "a Unicorn" he says while sipping his soda. How the fuck. "Whens my birthday" I smirk. There's no way he can get this one I never signed any paperwork with him so there's no way he- "October 25" he says confidently cutting me out of my thought. My eyes widen once more. "Who's my favorite artist" "you like many but you are currently more into Woodz." I swear how in the world. Oh my gosh. Is he stalking me. "What's my favorite ice cream flavor" "mint choco" I then continue "what am I allergic to" "peanuts" I gasp "how on Earth so you know all that" he sips on his drink the continues "I know your favorite color is Purple because you always have Purple on you whether it's your shoes, suit, sweater, bracelets, etc. Your favorite animal is a unicorn and I know that because it's your computer screen wallpaper and you put a small unicorn sticker on your name plank on your desk and you were yelling at a TV show the one that said Unicorns weren't real you litterly yells and said 'unicorns are real let a girl dream will you. Stop killing my dreams'." All this time my eyes are wide open. How in the world. I quickly snap out of my thoughts and clear my throat. "Continue" I say he nods "gladly. Your birthday is on the 25 of October and I know that because you marked it on your computer calenders and the calendar next to your desk and you even wrote it on my desk calendar by accident because you thought it was Han-Seo's desk. Your favorite artist is Woodz and I know that because he's currently your phone wallpaper and you have his playlist on repeat the whole day at work. Like really really loud. I can hear it all the way to my office. Also your favorite ice cream is mint choco and i know that because the day we went out to celebrate for the winning of the court you asked for it and you fought with the ice cream parlor employee because there was no more of it and they didn't want to stack more. Your allergic to Peanuts and I know that because when one of the employees was eating them during a meeting you kept covering your mouth and nose then proceeded to walk out while drinking almost all the water bottles in the our lobby and you were scratching your neck almost half of the day. My eyes widen and my heart starts to beat. He's really notice the small details of me that no one ever has. Wow. He never fails to impresses me more and more each day. He's amazing.

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