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As I cross off the day in my calendar with my pink highlighter my heart begins to pound faster and faster each second I swear I could have a heart attack. "Trial day 1" I read out loud. I take a deep breath in and exhale slowly before rechecking the papers I organized for today I've done this five times today. "Okay all good. I think I'm ready." As I turn to grab my coat from my kitchen chair. My front door bursts open. "Citrus I know your ignoring me but I have a plan" Dong-Wook says running to me with a jumpy expression. I smile laugh a little "Okay one I'm not ignoring you I'm just taking time away form you and two I don't wanna know. Now if you excuse me I got to go I don't wanna be late." As im about to walk away from him he grabs my shoulders and turns me around. "No let me tell you. I wanna share my excitement. And I'm 100% sure it will benefit both of us. So now trust me" I sigh "what's your plan Mr. Lee Dong-Wook I will listen" i say grabbing an apple. he claps "okay so I will fake that I have an illness or something like that I'll fall to the ground then TA-DA we have one more week to gain more information about the case." I look at him straight faced and blink slowly "Dong-Wook I don't think-" he then claps again which startles me and makes my eyes widen "and if that doesn't work we will fake a black out and make all the lights in the court room turn off." He snaps his fingers. I clear my throat "I think we-" he claps once more and I flinch "and if that doesn't work we go with the most dangerous one. We put bees in the court room and it stings the judge right in the face and the he has no choice but to move the trial for another week." He finishes and puts his hands on his hips "what do you think" I look at him blankly "are you done" I ask he nods "okay Dong-Wook" I grab his shoulders "let's not do that please" he raises and eyebrow and tilts his head "but why I mean I know for sure we both don't have much information or if you have info you can come up with better-" "Dong-Wook." I cut him off "Let's just please get this trial over with. Don't do anything stupid please. Just go show what you have and who ever wins wins." I say and start to walk out before turning back around " oh lock the door on your way out Yeah please bye." I laugh as i walk out and just to see Jun-Woo parked outside in my driveway. He opens the door for me and I hop in. As we drive off I'm surprised he hasn't mentioned anything about Dong-Wook being in my house. Maybe I should shut up before he mentions something about Dong-Wook. Should I tell him about the plan Dong-Wook created. No no I'll just wait Dong-Wook will probably listen to me and not do anything. I hope he flipping does. The whole drive to the to our destination was quite and surprisingly Han-Seo didn't come along. Where is he?  We then head on to the court room and take our seats in our respective area. And I start to organize my papers on the desk table. "Are you ready" Jun-Woo asks and I nod "I'm ready as I'll ever be. This is the first case im actually feeling confident in" I say in excitement Jun-Woo smiles "good" I raise my eyebrow and lean into him "who are you and what did you do to Jun-Woo" he tilts his head "what do you mean" I turn my chair to face him "my Jun-Woo always either says 'good girl' or 'thats the spirit'" I quote trying to imitating his voice but fail miserably which causes him to laugh "did you just say 'my Jun-Woo'" my eyes widen did I really say that. "no..maybe...that doesn't matter though." He laughs "in that case. Good girl"  I punch his shoulder lightly "there he is. The Jang Jun-Woo is back" I say as we both smile. We get caught up in the moment and hold eye contact. That is till the double doors of the court room open and in walks in Dong-Wook and Vincenzo walking all dramatic. I turn me head to Jun-Woo and whisper into his ear. "They think we in a movie or something" Jun-Woo shrugs and we let out a small laugh together. Soon after that whole dramatic entrance those two did. The judge finally comes in. And before we could even start Dong-Wook falls down to the floor. 'is this dude serious' Jun-Woo then whispers in my ear "what's up with him" I turn and whisper back "he made some plan in order to push the trail for another week he told me" Jun-Woo laughs softly and leans back in his chair. "Let's call a doctor and have him checked up we will continue once he is feeling better" the judge announces in that moment Dong-Wook stands up from the floor quickly as possible.
"I'm okay" he fixes himself and I facepalm myself 'cheeses Crist with this dude why am I friends with him again' I thought. "If you don't mind can I start your honor" he nods "go ahead Ms. Park" I bow "thank you" as I walk over to connect the computer trying to project my power point to the white screen the lights power off turning off the computer and all the lights in the court room. I then turn to look at Dong-Wook "are you serious" I mouth all he does is nod and smirk. That causes my hands to curl up into a fist which catches Jun-Woo's attention he proceeds to stand up from his chair grab my shoulders and walk me back to my chair before I could whoop Dong-Wooks ass. "did he plan this too" I nod "oh and there's more" I'm afraid if I continue on Dong-Wook will continue his plan. I must continue I can't let him win. "Oh no the lights have gone out I think we might have to reschedule we can't continue with the lights out" Dong-Wook says sarcastically.  I then turn my attention to a young lady sitting next to the judge "excuse me" I say out loud look at her she then turns her attention to me "yes" looking at me with curiosity "does your computer perhaps work without electricity like without plugging it in some thing or somewhere." I say in a hopeful tone She smiles nods and my eyes quickly light up "great then with your confirmation your honor I think we may be able to continue using her computer" the judge nods "yes of course go ahead" I smile and hear Dong-Wook curse "thank you" I do what I have to do and I was finally able to show the evidence on the young ladies computer. "Okay so this document here shows-" but before I could continue. "THERES A BEE" Someone in the court room yells "no way" I then look up "oh cheeses there are many bees" I then quickly take the USB off from the computer and run to my chair. Jun-Woo quickly hugs me and  covers me with his coat and walks me out of the court room. Once we are out I yell in frustration "WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM" Jun-Woo grabs my shoulders "hey calm down" I turn to him " NO WHY WOULD I. Wait how on Earth are YOU so calm." I emphasis the word You. "This is your case I'm fighting for shouldn't you be-" he cuts me off "I'm not worried because I know that they didn't have much information which means if they couldnt gain much in a mouth do you think the will gain any in less then a week. Think princess." My eyes light up "wait your right." I snap my fingers "I however do have information I can just find something that will back up everything if I need anything." he claps "exactly" I shake my head "no you said it wrong" he looks at me with curiosity "what do mean" I look at him a serious expression then tilt my head that causes him to roll his eyes "That's the spirit" he says. I then clap "there he is" I then smirk "good boy" he shakes his head "stop that makes it seem like I'm a dog" I laugh as I watch him walk down the stairs. "I like it though. Maybe I should say that more often" I follow him "no please no" he faceplams "yes. yes I will" I reply smiling and we continue fighting like that till we reach the end of the car. Sometimes Jun-Woo isn't so bad I guess it just depends when I hope I get the nice Jun-Woo more often I rather have this Jun-Woo then the Jun-Woo who always forces me to do stuff. Well time to work some more.

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