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Coming back to the company after a week was less exciting than I thought. Jun-Woo was once again all over the place since he had alot of work. Im guessing I wasn't going to be seeing him for a while. My phone rings signaling I had received a message. 'Meet us in the coffee shop.'-From Cha-young. I sigh and hear a slight knock on my door. "Come in" I say stacking a couple of papers together. "You called me ma'am" I shoot my head up and see one of my coworkers "oh yes can you please do these paperworks for me I have to run somewhere" she nods and takes the stack from my hand "yes ma'am do you need them back by a specific day or time" I shake my head "please don't call me ma'am and just as soon as possible please" she nods, bows and leaves. I quickly grab a folder and make my way to Jun-Woo's office. I don't even mind knocking since I usually just barge in which was probably not a good idea. "Hey Jun-Woo. Oh I'm so sorry."
"You see sir. If we-" I get cut off by someone barging into my office I was originally going to yell but then I noticed who it was. "Hey Jun-Woo. Oh I'm so sorry." Seeing that it was Citrus I relaxed and shake my head "no worries in fact come here for a second" she nods hesitantly but makes her way towards me. "Mr.Gong I would like to introduce you to Babels Official lawyer. Who is also my Girlfriend Park Citrus" I say standing and putting my arm around her waist. She smiles and puts her hand out for Mr. Kim to shake which he gladly does "hello Ms. Park I'm Gong Ji-cheol I'm a member of the Wusung Company" he introduces himselve and I proceed to ask "so babe what did you need?" she turns her attention to me and smiles "do you mind if I borrow your car I need to go somewhere for an appointment" I nod and hand her the keys "be careful, stay safe" I peck her forehead and sit back down. She nods and says her goodbyes to Mr. Gong then walks out. Wait. I forgot to ask where she was going. It's okay I'll just check later.
I make my way towards the parking lot finding his car and I don't hesitate to drive out as quickly as I can. Once I get to the Coffee shop I grab the folder and my stuff but while I was doing so I drop Jun-Woo's wallet on the floor. "Who the fuck leaves there wallet in the car" I say out loud and groan as I see all his cards and bills scattered in the bottom of the seat. "I'll clean it up later" I lock the car and rush inside the shop and spot Vincenzo and Cha-young. "How did it go. Did you guys have any luck" I say as I approached them. Cha-young shakes her head "nope we asked every police station we could find but they had no information about the name Jang Han-Seok." I groan and Vincenzo looks over at the folder that's in my hand "what did you find" I snap out of my thoughts then sit down opening the folder. "wel he seems to have good connection with an American association named Jason association company." Vincenzo grabs the folder and looks over it. "Wow amazing how did you find this" Cha-young says excited and looks at the paper over Vincenzo's shoulder "they have a branch in Korea and they are supposably associated with Babel so it was easy for me to find it. It's on the second page if you want to read over it." Vincenzo turns to the second page and reads over it quietly "however that's all that pops out about him. There's no history about his family, no pictures or nothing. That was the only thing I could find." Cha-young then thinks for a moment "did you happen to ask Jun-Woo maybe knows him or maybe since he's Jang he may be related to him" I shake my head "I don't think he'll want to tell me so I just don't bother asking" Vincenzo then speaks up "do you mind if I keep this" I nod "go for it" "Citrus maybe try asking Jun-Woo he's the last hope we have at this point" I nod slowly "I'll try but I can't promise anything" they nod understandingly. "We must get going but I'll investigate these a bit more" Vincenzo says and I nod "I'll see you guys soon call me if anything" they nod and we take our leave. As I get back into the car I get a message from Jun-Woo. 'hey babe do you mind bringing me my wallet when you get back I think I left it in the car.' I look over at the wallet then quickly reply with a thumbs up and drive away. As I get to the company I park in the same spot that the car was before I left and quickly pick up the cards and bills that had fallen. I put them back in there corresponding spots which was simple because I've seen how he organized his wallet before. As i was putting the cards away I come across his ID. I start to admire his picture "wow he really did look different with his hair coverinf his forehead" I laugh but then as I put it away something catches my eye...seok... I pull out the ID once again. "No..there's no way.." before I could say more my phone rings. I answer without looking at the caller ID "hello...oh yes I'm here sorry I just couldn't park right but I'm on my way up" I hang up and quickly snap a picture of his ID then place it back in his wallet. I run towards the elevator then to Jun-Woo's office this time I remember to knock though just in case. "Come in" I hear and I walk in "here's your wallet" I say with a smile and hand it over to him. "Thanks babe. Now care to tell me who you met at the Coffee shop" he says grabbing his wallet then taking out a card from inside. "Oh I.. met up with Dong-Wook he wanted to catch up since we haven't seen each other in a while." He nods and stands in front of me. "Your not lying to me are you" I quickly shake my head "no why would I" he smiles "good girl I know I can trust you" he lifts up my chin and pecks my lips "you should go get some paperwork and work in here with me. Im so lonely and plus I miss you." He pouts and I smile "I miss you too. Let me go get some papers and I'll come back" he smiles widely and I quickly run to my office shutting the door. I take my phone out from my pocket and call Vincenzo. When he picks up i take a deep breath. "I-i think I found him"

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