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"that was refreshing" Jun-Woo says as he dries his hair slightly with a towel. "Please tell me you didn't leave a mess in there" I say pointing towards the restroom. I didn't feel like cleaning after his ass. He shakes his head assuring me that he didn't and continues to rub the towel on his hair. I sit in the corner of the bed and take a sip from my water bottle. "What you thinking about" Jun-Woo asks as he throws the towel into the laundry basket. I pat the empty space on bed motioning him to sit down, which he does. "How did they know you were going to make yourself known today?" I sip my water again. He shrugs "I don't know. I don't think I told anyone other than Han-Seo" I look over at him "Han-Seo wouldn't tell anyone though..right" he shrugs again "STOP SHRUGGING" I yell and he laughs slightly. " I don't know what happened, but what I do know is that this isn't the end of it." I raise my eyebrow "what do you mean" Jun-Woo taps my nose with his finger "that means we are getting revenge babe" I blink multiple times " excuse me...WE. why am I included" I say as I pointing at both of us "as my girlfriend it's your duty to help me" my eyes widen "Girlfriend!!" he nods "your close to Dong-Wook so you can get anything out of him. It'll be easy" I rub the back of my neck "Dong-Wook is alot harder to crack than you think. He won't tell me stuff just to tell me." He looks at me confused "don't you guys tell each other everything" "well yes sometimes but-" he cuts me off "then get him to tell you" I roll my eyes and sigh "fine I'll try. But what are you gonna do while I do that" he looks at me with an evil look "I'll be taking care of Vincenzo." I nod since I don't know what else to say. Jun-Woo can be scary at times. "Maybe we should go to bed. We can make a better plan tomorrow once we are well rested." I stand up and start to pull the sheets so I could be able to get under them. Before I could do so Jun-Woo grabs my shoulders, turns me around, and pins me down on the bed. I gasp slightly. "I didn't get my kiss yet" he smirks and my eyes widen. Oh Cheeses help me. "I- um-" I have no idea how to respond to that. My thoughts are then broken by a pair of lips against mine. My eyes get wider but then start to give in. I slowly melt into the kiss, I mean who won't his lips are so soft. His hand slowly starts to go from above my head to my waist holding it tight. How the fuck are you supposed to end a make out session. I can't just pull away because I know he won't let me. Fuck it I'ma do it. I slowly pull apart from him and we make eye contact for about 5 minutes before he places his forehead against mine "your mine and no one will be able to take you away from me. I'll amwk sure of that." I make no reaction since I'm still trying to catch my breath. All I could do was nod a little. He then gets off me and claps his hands together "well time for bed" I slowly sit up. How can he act like we did not just have a fucking make out session like... what the heck dude. I shake my thoughts away and just pull the covers over me. As i'm slowly closing my eyes I feel an arm wrap around my waist holding me tight as if I'll run away. "good night" he says into my ear. "G-good night" I mentally slap myself why am I stuttering. Oh....this is going to be a long night for me. I ended up falling asleep but was woken up by someone yelling. I groan but do as best as I can to get out of Jun-Woo's grip and make my way towards the window. I mean im a curious lady I want to see what the yelling is about. When I open it I look around but then spot as I spit Vincenzo pushing some pigeon away. "Umm you know yelling at the bird won't make him go away" I say with a cold expression since I litterly want to rip his face off right now. What he did to Jun-Woo today was so fucked up. "Oh he will trust me. You see he's my friend he listens to me" he pushes the bird slightly once more with his phone. "Ugh I don't care what you do just don't make noise I'm trying to sleep" I make my way inside but before I could close the window..."you know he lied to you right" I blink in confusion then look out the window again "what?" I ask "the paper you used in court was fake" I scoff "and how do know that" he smiles "trust me I know" I roll my eyes "your probably just telling me this to get me in your side but that not going to-" "meet me in the hall I'll show you" he cuts me off and makes his way into his room and I do the same. Even though I don't fully trust Vincenzo. My gut is telling me to go meet him. I'm sure Jun-Woo didn't lie to me right? I quickly grab my coat and tip toe out side the room to the front door. Once I shut the front door Vincenzo was there waiting for me. "Here" he hands me a yellow envelope "that is the original paper which shows that it wasn't based on the cancellation of RDU-90 but instead the start of RDU-90" he explains as he leans on the wall and plays with a gold lighter. I clear my throat and hand him back the envelope without opening it "I'll meet you tomorrow morning in the coffee shop next to the building. We can talk more there" he grabs the envelope and nods without saying anything. I gave the door while i take a deep breath and make my way back inside to me and Jun-Woo's shared bedroom. I close the door softly not wanting to wake him up. "Where did you go" I flinched a bit since I got startled. "I went to go get water I got a bit thirsty sorry if I woke you up" I'm so glad I didn't stutter. He nods buying my excuse and pats the empty space next to him. I slowly lay back down and he hugs my waist again. I sure hope he didn't lie to me. I would be so disappointed.

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