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The drive to the airport was very... interesting. Neither of us talked, all we did was look out the window and enjoy the music that the radio had to offer. Soon Jun-Woo had cleared his throat signalling the start of a conversation, I turned away from the window towards his direction to look at him but I was soon mesmerized by the side profile of his face. Which I gotta say...its a 10 out of 10, I guess I had been really lost in my thoughts because if he wouldn't have put his hand on mine I wouldn't have known that he had been talking the whole time. "So how's that sound?" Jun-Woo asks making me snap out of my thoughts fully "hmm oh um yeah sounds great." He chuckles lightly "did you even listen to what I was saying" I nod slowly "of course I was listening" he smirks "oh yeah then what did I say?" He turns to look at me once he had found a good parking space in the airport parking lot we needed a good space to leave the car in since we would be gone for a while. Dong-Wook had offered to drop us off but Jun-Woo being to stubborn kept insisting we'd take the car and leave it in the airport parking lot. "Okay okay you caught me, I wasn't paying attention, but you can't blame me it's your fault for being so good looking." my eyes went wide as I realized what I had said but it didn't seem to bother him one bit as he only began to smirk once more and continued on with his teasing saying "oh so it was me you were daydreaming about." I cleared my throat and looked out the window "no time for that we have to go don't wanna miss our plane" I say laughing nervously as I head out of the car making my way towards the trunk grabbing my suitcases, I hear him let out a laugh as he does the same. We take our time walking into the airport since we were still a bit early, soon it became time to get our tickets, luggages, and passports checked before we got to board our plane. The plane takes off in no time as me and Jun-Woo get carried away on checking over the millions of paperwork making sure we have everything in order and set for when we landed. "You have a pen babe?" Jun-Woo asks as he's reading through the papers "yeah give me a second." I reach over my bag and grab my favorite pen which I must say I carry everywhere, "here" I say handing it over to him, he admires it for a while before asking "Where'd you get it from it's nice." I smile as I watch him write something on the papers remembering how I got my hands on that pen "thanks, Han-Seo he actually umm gifted it to me when I returned to the office"


As I was putting all my stuff in it's corresponding place and turning on my computer ready for a great first day back a knock was heard on the door "come in" I say continuing to log into my computer. "Hey just wanted to come in and check on you." Han-Seo has always been known for having the biggest smile on his face and making the whole room light up which I find very adorable. "I'm doing good, I mean don't have any work so far. I did really miss my office though"  he chuckles walking towards my desk with his hands behind his back. "I umm actually got you a welcome back gift." A smile makes it's way towards my lips "Han-Seo you really didn't have to" he smiles wider and pulls the box from behind his back and hands it over to me "it not much but I thought you'd like it okay it'll come in handy." I grab the box from his hand and open it revealing the a black and gold marbled pen with my name engraved on the side, "Wow it's beautiful you really didn't have to, you shouldn't be waisting your money like this especially on me" he shakes his head "money comes and goes plus I wouldn't mind spending my money on you I'd buy you the whole world if I could." I close the box and turn to look at him, our eyes lock for a few minutes before a knock in the door beings me back to reality "oh uh come in" I look towards the door as Han-Seo clears his throat and looks over aswell. "Oh Hello sir...Ms. Park welcome back I just wanted to bring you some paperwork that needs your signature ma'am" the worker hands me a small stack of papers after bowing respectfully towards Han-Seo. "Oh okay that should be easy" the worker laughs nervously and says "ma'am there's more" my eyes widen as I realized how much work I've missed. "Oh uh well go ahead and bring them I'll finish them as soon as I can" the worker nods, bows to both me and Han-Seo and exits the room. "Well I guess you have an excuse to use your new pen now" Han-Seo says with a smile in which I return "guess I do."
I smile to myself as I remember the special memory behind my now favorite pen. "You never told me he gifted it to you" Jun-Woo says bringing me back to the present "oh.. I'm sorry It must have slipped my mind I've had a lot on my mind lately I must have forgotten" he scoffs "well its nice to know my girlfriend hides stuff from me, what else has my brother gifted you without me knowing" I look at him and raise an eyebrow "Jun-Woo it's just a pen it's not like he gifted me the whole Capital of Korea" he looks back at me "I just find it interesting how you forget to tell me about a simple pen that my own brother gifted you who knows maybe next time-" I cut him off and look at him in disbelief "we're really going to argue about a pen. A simple goddamm pen." He closes my pen and places it on my lap "just forget it. I'm gonna head to the restroom." I sigh and face towards the window. I should have just said it was a gift from Dong-Wook he seems to have no problem when it comes to him knowing that he's my best friend. But even so I don't understand why he has such a problem with me and his brother being close. I mean yes we had our past but that shouldn't mean anything, sometimes he confuses me on whether he just doesn't trust me or maybe it's his brother who he doesn't trust. But why.

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