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The entire car ride home Jun-Woo was holding onto my hand which made my heart flutter several times. He once in while would turn his gaze to me to check if I was okay. He's being super sweet. What does he want. "Should we order take out when we get home? It was a long day for you I imagine that you must be tired" he says and I nod. "I am actually" I rest my head in his arm "you know what the best thing about tonight will be?" He asks and I look up at him in curiosity "I get to sleep with you next to toady. I really missed you" he says looking at me with a smile to then look back at the road. I smile and hold his hand tighter "well I'm not going anywhere. Your stuck with me today" I scrunch my nose cringing at what I just said. "I don't mind" he says laughing a bit. I smile and lean against his arm once more. The last thing I remember was waking up the next morning with Jun-Woo next to me a small smile was placed on my lips. One day I'm mad and him and the other I can't stay away from him. What is happening to me. "You know that if you take a picture it'll last longer" he says in a raspy voice which makes me startled. He laughs "sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he apologizes as he stretches I shake my head "its okay. Just caught me off guard." After taking a shower. Separately of course, I'm not ready for that. I started making breakfast for us. While I was I my own train if thought I remembered something that makes me freeze in my spot. "Are you okay" Jun-Woo asks as he noticed that I stayed still but I turned to look at him with wide eyes "we didn't meet up with Vincenzo yesterday." He shrugs his shoulders "so" I slap his arm softly "we told him we would meet up with him. Chesses I need to call him maybe all three of us could have breakfast at the Cafe" I grab my phone and quickly send a message to Vincenzo hoping he will except my apology and also eccept to meet up at this moment. it takes a while but he finally answers and accept I quickly get ready and force Jun-Woo to get ready aswell. He's acting like a little kid not wanting to go back to school. "Oh look how about this one" I say showing him a shirt. "We are going to meet that dude for breakfast not do his taxes babe." I pout then found I nice navy blue shirt with a light brown coat. Not sure this matches but I like it so I don't care. "Oh I like this how come you've worn it before." He shrugs "I don't know I have many clothes I never wear" he chuckles and I roll my eyes. "Well your wearing it today because I said so now get dressed or we'll be late" I quickly zoom out of the room because I kinda don't wanna see him naked. Making our way to the cafe was a little tough since Jun-Woo basically was whining the whole fucking way which was giving me a headache. "Oh there he is" I say as I spot Vincent. Jun-Woo groans for like the 5th time "I don't want to be here" I roll my eyes "do I look like I care." "Dispite you being my girlfriend your very cruel with me." He says and I look at him with a cold expression " look the faster we go to him the faster he explains and the faster we get out of here so come on." I grab a hold of his hand and make my way towards Vincenzo. "Sorry we're late I had a hard time with him" I say whispering the last part. Vincenzo let's out a laugh. "It's okay I haven't been here long." I nod and me and Jun-Woo sit down and order some coffees. "So what can we help you with." I says starting the conversation. Vincenzo sets his coffee mug down and clears his throat to then lean forward and motioning us to do the same which we do. "The apartment building that we live in has gold hidden under one of rooms in the basement." I nod while Jun-Woo's jaw clenched. "I need your help to get it out." All three of us then lean back. "Shouldn't you have someone else helping you instead of us." Jun-Woo says a little annoyed "I did have someone who was helping but they betrayed me." I then nod my head "okay when do we start" I say confidently but before he could answer Jun-Woo cuts in. "Citrus can we talk for a second" Jun-Woo stands up. I nod and i look at Vincenzo who just sends me a nod. I follow Jun-Woo to the restroom hall till he comes to a stop. "What are you doing" I blink several times "what do you mean I didn't even do anything" he face palms "don't you remember why we moved in to that building in the first place." I nod "yeah you said you wanted to find some...Ooohhhh" I finally realized everything and he shakes his head in disappointment. "I had forgotten I'm sorry" I pout and continue "I'll just tell Vincenzo we cant-" but then he gasp and cuts me off "wait. now that I think about it it's actually its a good idea" I raise an eyebrow. Make up your mind dude. "He is the only one that knows where the gold is hidden. If we work with him he'll lead us right to it and BOOM the gold will be ours." I blink again several times "what do you mean by 'ours' don't throw me into your shit. You did that once and I ended up in jail did you forget" I turn around wanting to walk back to my seat but he back hugs me "Everything that's mine is yours and everything that's yours is mine babe that's how it works" I roll my eyes "oh really everything that's mine. So even the student loan that I owe is your problem aswell" I laugh slightly "I can pay it off" he says confidenlty and my eyes widen "please don't." "I will" "no" "yes" "no" "I'll just pay it off when your not paying attention" I sigh "there's no fighting you in this huh" he shakes his head "nope"

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