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It took me a while to realize what was going on but I react quickly by opening my eyes and pushing Jun-Woo softly away from me. "That did not just happen" I ask in shock. Jun-Woo smirks "oh but it did" he responds while leaning in once more to kiss me again but I stop him. "No this is wrong. I mean it felt totally right and amazing like very very amazing." I say zoning out for a second but I quickly shake my head and go back to reality. "I mean no. no it was wrong" Jun-Woo just laughs "and why was it so wrong." He says trapping me between the wall and him. I clear my throat "l-lets just go h-home we will talk there." I go under his left arm and start heading towards the bus stop. But Jun-Woo grabs my wrist before I could walk any further. "Hey did you not like it-" before he could continue his sentence I shake my head and quickly decline "no no i-i did it's just..ughhh I don't know what to say" I sigh and Jun-Woo takes my hand in his and intertwines them together. "Well whether you like it or not. your Mine Now." My eyes widen "wait, what when did I agree to this sir" he leans closer to me making me freeze in my spot " ever since you kissed back" he says smirking. All I could do was gulp. Cheeses Crist what do I do. "No Jun-Woo we can't this is wrong" he rolls his eyes "how is it wrong I like you and you like me whats the problem with that." I blink several times wait is he actually serious. This isn't a joke. And when the fuck did I tell him I liked him. Okay wait this is going to fast. "Wait slow down. Are you actually actually like me?" I ask confused "of course I do why would I be joking" he responds confidenlty. Oh please let this not be a joke. This is so sketchy. My heart is about to explode. Before I could say any more the bus stops in front of us and I pull Jun-Woo inside the vehicle with me. "We'll talk more when we get home okay" I say patting his thigh to assure him that I'm serious about talking to him later in the house. He nods before smiling at me I then move the eye contanct from him to the small window next to me. I feel Jun-Woo once again grabs my hand and holds onto it tightly. Oh please don't let this be a joke I begging you god.. please I hope your serious about what you just said Jun-Woo. "I'm sorry Han-Seo" I say in a whisper tone so only I could hear. "Did you say something" I turn to look at Jun-Woo "no I just....yawned yeah I just yawned" I laugh nervously he just nods slightly. I guess he believed me. 6 minutes passed by and we were finally home. I quickly put the code in the keypad and opened the door but before I could do or say anything I was once again trapped in the nearest wall with Jun-Woo in front of me. "Jun-Woo what are you-" I was quickly shushed by a pair of soft lips touching mine I was just about to give in but then I slowly realized what was happening and I slowly push him away "we were gonna talk remember" I say. He groans "okay fine let's talk" he says as we make our way to the couch. Wait. How the fuck am I supposed to start this conversation like what do I say. I can't say 'hey I was in love with your brother but ever since I started to hang out with you  and getting to know you and you kissing me I think I am now in love with you'. I can't say that. Then I guess if plan A didn't work plan B will just have to do. "Oh god help me" "what do you-" before he could finish his sentence this time it was me cutting him off by putting my lips on his. I don't know what to tell him. Also how in the world did I get confidence to do this. Jun-Woo slowly slides his hands on my waist and pulls me in closer to deepen the kiss I do the same by putting my hands on his neck. After a quick hot make out session we finally pull apart for some air "so that was what 'we should talk' meant" he chuckles and smirks and I face palm myself. What did I just do. "I'm sorry i just didn't know what to say. I giggle still catching my breath. He then pulls me in for a tight hug "I want you to know that I am serious I really do like you. And for what just happened I can tell you like me aswell" he smiles and all I could do was smile. "Let's go to bed hmm." He says and I stop him "we have to eat we haven't eaten anything I'll go cook something really quick" I stand up and run to the kitchen he laughs "no offense babe but what are you going to cook...air.. remember we haven't gone shopping for groceries ever since we got here" I facepalm myself "I'm so dumb" I check the time on my phone 7:30 pm my eyes sparkle "it's still early we can still make it to the grocery store. They don't close till 9 or so. Or maybe we could just head to the convince store and eat there" he nods and walks toward the door to put on his shoes again "that sounds like a good plan" I quickly skip towards the front door to do the same. Currently walking down the stairs of the apartment building I see someone very familiar. My eyes widen. "Oh Ms. Park" the young man calls out "Mr. Cassano" I bow respectfully. I dont know what to do. But he does the same "what brings you here" he asks "oh me and my fri-" "we both live here" Jun-Woo interrupts me "oh okay..are two a couple?" he ask I shake my head but before Mr. Cassano could notice my action Jun-Woo response "Yes yes we are we are actually going off to eat some dinner would you like to join". what is he doing this could be bad this is litterly the man we battled at trial with. I gently squeeze Jun-Woo's hand. "Oh umm we actually-" "we would love to" Mr. Cassano was interrupted by his girlfriend who was smiling sweetly. "great off we go then" Jun-Woo says as he drags me with him to walk off. Oh this is going to be bad. I can already tell this wont end well. God help me.

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