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I open my eyes slowly to close them back again as the sun hits my eyes. Ugh it's morning already. I raise my hands to rub my eyes. Once my eyes are open quite a bit for me to look around correctly. I at first had no idea where I was but then the event from yesterday started to replay in my head. My thoughts are cut off as I the hear a slight groan next to me "good morning" Han-Seo says with a smile then rubs his eyes "good morning" I chuckle looking at his cute morning state. My phone then rings making my phone might up showing the message that I have received noticable, I reach over to the coffee table where I had set it last night. And once I have the phone in front of me, I read over the message before looking over at Han-Seo. "Jun-Woo says to meet him at the auditorium center next to Babel" he nods slightly and we both stand up from our side of the couch. "I'll take you home first then ill come and get ready" I quickly decline his offer "it's fine I'll just take the bus don't worry." I set my phone in my back pocket and walk to the door and wave at Han-Seo before making my way to the bus stop. When I finally make it to the apartment it was quite as if no one was inside the room. Maybe he had already left I thought...but I was wrong Jun-Woo was sitting on the couch silently but the noise the door made caused him to turn and look at me. "You know I did wait for you yesterday. Believe it or not I waited more than 5 minutes." He explains as he stands and walks towards me but all I do is look at him with no emotion. "You really think I was going to come with you after what you did" he scoffs "I let my anger get to-" "okay just because you were angry didn't mean you had to throw a whole fucking tantrum" I rolling my eyes before proceeding "you could've hurt Han-Seo-" "I wasn't going to-" I cut him off before he could continue "AND YOU COULD HAVE HURT YOURSELF ASWELL" tears start to well up in my eyes but I hold them in and continue "what where you thinking holding that knife against your neck. Huh." his eyes start to slowly go from anger to confusion. "Do you not care how i felt when you held that knife to your neck Jun-Woo." I say letting a tear roll down then scoff "you don't. Why should you care anyway." I brush my shoulder against his as I make my way towards the bedroom to shower before the event we had to attend. I do what I need to do before changing and making my way out to the living room. There was no sign of Jun-Woo. He left. I sigh and roll my eyes once more. I take the bus to auditorium Center and a soon as I get there I meet up with Han-Seo and the other employees but still no sign of Jun-Woo. Where did he go. "Don't worry he's here" Han-Seo pats my shoulder but I raise an eyebrow "what do you mean" he chuckles "I know your wondering where Jun-Woo is but don't worry he's here." He replies and I slowly start to calm down. "Han-Seo i-" he shakes his head and cuts me off "you don't have to explain it's okay. I know I lost my chance and it's okay no hard feelings." He smiles and I return it "thank you for understanding" "hey that's what friends are for right" he says and holds his fist up for a fist bump "yes indeed" I bump my fist against his. "Time to take our seats" some employee says and we follow his instructions and make our way to the seats that correspond to us. Then the event begins. "We present the CEO of the Wusung Company" a man from below the stage comes up and everyone applause. Why's are we even here. "Now we present the CEO of Babel company" my eyes widen. If Han-Seo is sitting next to me...that only means... Jun-Woo then comes up from under the stage making me jump up from my seat in disbelief. But before anything could go on, a pop was heard from the top of the auditorium room. And before I know it blood is dropped and spilled all over Jun-Woo which makes me gasp. What is happening. The noise of people clapping was then heard that makes me turn my gaze to the top seats. "Bravo." "Amazing." "Do like our special gift Mr CEO." what are they doing here. Vincenzo, Cha-young, and Dong-Wook all sitting in the top seats clapping and celebrating while the auditorium staff quickly lowers Jun-Woo down below the stage. "How do I get backstage" I ask Han-Seo "through that door" he points and I see he is trying to hold in his laughter. "Just laugh if you're gonna laugh" I roll my eyes and hurry to the door Han-Seo pointed at. As I make my way further down I see Jun-Woo sitting on a chair with his hands curled into a fist. "Jun-Woo" I yell. And without hesitation I run over and hug him. He seems surprised at first but then returns the hug. I pull away after a while and start to look for a rag. "Let me help you wash up your face" I quickly grab the first rag I see with a water bottle to wet it. I start wiping his face with the towel "eew the smell of blood is so weird" he laughs " to be more specific, it's pigs blood" I make a disgusted face "that's worse" I continue to clean his face "w-why did you choose to make your appearance this way. You could have done something else." He shrugs "I don't know it just felt like the right moment" I scoff "really look at yourself right now your full of pig blood" I sigh "I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted that way towards my brother yesterday. I let my anger get the best of me." I look at him in the eyes and sigh once more "Jun-Woo I am upset for what you did to Han-Seo. But what I was more worried about was you. You could have hurt yourself" he smirks "so you were worried about me" I smile "of course I was" he slowly starts to lean in but I move away "I'm not kissing you when your all full of Piggy blood." I laugh and scrunched my nose from the smell "then let's go home so I can wash up then" I chuckle and nod. No matter how much trouble he cause or how much of an ass he could be I can't stay away from him. My heart calls for Jun-Woo and no matter what i keep going back even when I don't want to. Your driving me crazy Jun-Woo.

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