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"Are you sure you don't want to attend" Dong-Wook asks me as I give him a folder with some paperwork files for Jun-Woo's court case. "I-i cant" I tear rolled down my cheek and Dong-Wook immediately hugs me. "Hey it's okay you did the right thing" I slowly push back "if I did the right thing then why doesn't it feel right" he sighs "I'm not trying to fight with you right now Citrus. He killed my sister and you know that" I scoff "he didn't kill your sister she had an accident." "Yeah that he caused" he looks at me with a mad and disappointed expression "just go already, I'll call Vincenzo and apologize to him later." I slam the door behind me and speed walk towards my room. After about an hour of whinning to myself weather if what I was about to do was right or not. I took a deep breath and grabbed my coat and made my way out to the bus stop to the place I'm standing in front of now. The court room. I could hear Dong-Wook and Vincenzo yelling inside I roll my eyes and take a deep breath I slowly push the doors open and once again just like the other trials from before everyone just stares I me. I get it I came late but I'm sorry I didn't want to cause trouble but I must do this. I look over at Dong-Wook with a cold expression while I walk towards him dropping a file folder in front of his face. "He didn't order for anyone to be killed the only wrong doings he's done is file illegal paper work toward Babel and made a false identity for himself i don't think we have to bring up RDU-90 because he had cancelled that vaccine for me just because I asked him to There is no need for him to go to jail because none of these cases on are his." I say in one throw without taking time to breath and Dong-Wook immediately looks through the paperwork with wide eyes. "If I may your honor I would like to say all those cases were passed on to him since no one was able to find the person who actually caused everything. They found it easier to pass it on to the closest person they could find which was him. If you look up Choi Myung-hee you will see that all these cases flow to her she was the one that gave orders for all these people to be killed and even made majority of the work for false paperwork in Babel." I turn around and look at Dong-Wook "so you see he didn't kill your sister and he didn't kill Cha-young's father either, not going to lie he was aware the plans but he never took part of doing any action to it. He didn't kill anybody!!" I yell out of frustration still not believing myself that I was able to find all this or even having the courage to do this. I owe it all to Mr. Han he helped me alot. I stand there taking deep breaths from all this yelling and talking i did. Cheeses I look dramatic. Soon relief was filled all over my body as I heard the judge. "Mr. Jang this evidence is it real? You aren't playing games with me this time are you?" the judge asks with a serious face and Jun-Woo shakes his head "no sir I actually had no part it this." He looks over at me "my pretty girl did all that" he smiles and I smile aswell. "Then Mr. Jang you are free to go however you will be in house arrest for a while for using false identity and false paperwork on you Company. I'm letting you off easy which I'm not supposed to but I'll let it slide this time since I trust Ms. Park." I smile and Jun-Woo does the same. They take the handcuffs from Jun-Woo's hands and we waisted no time to engulf into each other's arms. This feels right, I finally did the right thing. I look over at Dong-Wook from Jun-Woo's shoulders and instead of me getting a mad face from him. Dong-Wook instead smiled and walked over to me "you did good kid" he pats my head "I'll see you later" he says and walks out the court. Vincenzo and Cha-young however didn't even look at me. But I'm to happy to care I made my grip tighter on Jun-Woo and let my tears flow slowly. As we pull apart he pecks my forhead "Thank you" he says "for what" I reply laughing slightly "you really fought for me just now" he says with a wide smile and i take a deep breath "Well I couldn't let the person I love go to jail and even if you did go I would have done something to go to jail with you. Like steal money from a bank" I say joking on the last part. He laughs "I love you" he says with a smile and I smile aswell "I love you too." We soon hear someone clear their throat "I don't want to ruin the moment but Ms. park please take care of him and yourself" the judge tells me and I smile "yes sir. Trust me as long as I'm here he will not be stepping foot on this court room or any court room again. That's a promise i can keep." The judge smiles and nods slightly "however you will be seeing me since I am a lawyer" I say and the judge laughs "I will be honored to see you win more cases Ms. Park." He stands up and takes his leave and we do the same after filling the papers of where Jun-Woo will be taking his house arrest. We picked my house since right now I don't want to let him out of my sight not even for one second. "Oh look you have an anklet" I joke and Jun-Woo smiles "I'm in the trend I guess" I shake my head "I don't even think those are a trend anymore" we both laugh and walk out heading home. "Welcome to my house" I say as I open the door "you act as if I've never been here before" I laugh "true Mr. drunk dude that fell asleep on my couch" we laugh as we remember many different happy memories and even the bad ones. "How did you know all that stuff you said today" he asks suddenly and I turn to look at him "you really think I would betray you. Vincenzo had told me everything about what he was gonna do so I started to look up information but I also had to play my part and act as if I was helping them. I did good huh everyone must have believed I was helping him." he smirks and bites his lip slightly "I fall for you more and more each day" I laugh and lean towards him "I can be evil whenever I want to" he then leans forward aswell "and I love that."

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