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The bright morning sun shines through the windows of the small cafe. The sweet sent of coffee fills up the atmosphere lightly. However my mind is full of worry and confusion as I think of what could possibly happen. If Vincenzo happens to be right what will I do. How will I be able to fix this. "Sorry I'm late I had to attend some business first." Vincenzo apologizes as takes a seat in front of me interrupting my deep thoughts. "Oh it's no problem, but we should hurry before Jun-Woo starts to wonder where I am." He nods and takes out the same yellow envelope from last night. I gulp but take the envelope with both hands. I grab the string that is slightly wrapped around the small red circle that is perfectly placed in the center. My hands continue to shake as I pull out the evidence of one of many Jun-Woo's lie. Vincenzo was right. Jun-Woo lied to me. "I-is this real." Even though I know it is my mind still isn't able to process it, in hopes that he will deny. But instead he nods in confirmation. My heart broke into a million pieces and a tear slides down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away before he can notice. "What do you want me to do." I say not daring to looking him in the eye. "Come clean" he replies and as I was about to say something he cuts me off "but not you" I raise my eyebrow "then w-who" he takes out his gold lighter and starts to open and close the lid "Jang. Jun. Woo." He replies in pauses and my breath hitches " and how exactly do you expect that to happen" he smirks "I have my ways" before I could go on my phone begins to ring. "I-i have to go" I stand up from the small chair and grab my coat I wanted to act like I forgot to grab the envelope on purpose but before I could do that Vincenzo hands it to me. "Take it, you might need it" I grab it slightly still with shaking hands and bow respectfully before making my way out without saying a word. I walk as slow as I can to the apartment room. My tears threatening to fall with each step I take but I hold them in as much as I possibly can. Opening the door to the apartment I told myself I had to confront Jun-Woo, I wasn't just going to let this pass by like if it was nothing. "There you are where have you been-" I slam the envelope onto the kitchen table "I think you need to explain something to me" Jun-Woo looks at me confused before grabbing and opening up the envelope. His expression goes from happy to serious as he reads the papers. "Where did you get this" I roll my eyes "it doesn't matter where I got them, Jun-Woo you lied to me" the tears fill up my eyes again making my vision blur "This is fake-" "oh stop don't give me the 'this is fake' bullshit" he sighs and places the papers back on the table "okay then, yes, I did" one small tear falls down my face "why. Why would you do that" he looks at the papers then back at me "do you know how much money Babel would lose if we didn't win that case" I scoff once more "your company of course. That's all you care about, why am I not surprised" "what are you even worried about this is the first case you've won" "NOT FAIRLY THOUGH" he picks up the papers and places them back in the envelope "there's nothing we can do about it, the case is closed-" "you need to come clean" he stops what he's doing and looks at me. "No, I don't think so" he shakes his head. I roll my eyes and make my way towards the door "I'll send Dong-Wook over to pick up my stuff. Good luck finding the so called gold buried in this building. I quit" I slam the door behind me and walk down the stairs towards the entrance. I text Dong-Wook but I get no response all he does is read my messages. I guess Vincenzo told him. I'm usually not the person to brake promises. Heck I don't even make promises if I know I won't be able to maintain them, however I was so blinded in wanting to win that I didn't check twice of my actions. I make my way to the bus stop and end up going to the only place I could think of. "I'm just here to grab my stuff then I'll be on my way" I tell the front desk lady. She nods in return. I make my way towards my office, well after today it won't be mine much longer. Why am I acting like such a child usually as kids we all had that stage when we didn't get what we want and we just want to run away. This reminds me of that. I grab the boxes which I left behind a book shelf. Never thought these would come in handy. I start to slowly place stuff into the boxes being careful not to brake anything but also taking my time as I remember the small memories I had here. Currently I'm closing the box Where the dart form me and Han-Seo's first date lays. I make sure to clean a bit while I'm at it. While I was putting the last few items into the box I hear footsteps accelerating through the hall but I ignore them thinking that it's nothing important. "I'll come clean." I stop my actions and raise my head to look at the door way where he stands all sweaty and tired. Did he really run all the way here just to stop me from leaving. How did he even know I was here? He walks closer to me till he's only a couple inches away from me. And I stand there with no emotion. "I'll come clean. But please whatever you do. Don't leave me. I beg you."

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