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After the whole situation...with the door....and THE DAMM PHONE... I walked Han-Seo out to his car. "I'm sorry about the know" he apologizes and I quickly shake my head "no it's okay don't worry"..... silence...... "I'm I should get going now" I nod "yeah I'll see you tomorrow" he smiles and nods. I wave with a big smile on my face as he drives off my drive way. Oh god tomorrow is gonna be weird. I drop face down on my bed as I walk into my room and instantly fall asleep. The next day was a bit off when I walked into Babel it was quiet as if no one was present in the building. As I'm slowly looking around inspecting everything a hand touches my shoulder which causes me to get startled and yell "OH MY GOSH DONT DO THAT" I say placing a hand on my chest breathing heavily "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you" Seung-hyeok says "it's fine.. but...where umm is everyone" I ask Seung-hyeok just shrugs his shoulders "I'm not sure but what I am sure about is Mr Jun-Woo and Mr Han-Seo would like to see you in the main office" I nod slowly and start making my way towards the main office. Once the door is in front of me I slowly knock "come in" I voice inside says I slowly open the door and bow slightly "you wanted to talk to me Sir" Han-Seo nods "Sit" Jun-Woo points at the chair in front of him. I do as I was told. "I want you to meet up with Dong-Wook" I look at him confused "umm why" I thought he didn't want me to meet with him. He sits up and moves his upper body closer to me "did you not check your phone" I shake my head then my eyes slowly widen and I quickly pull out my phone. "YOU TEXTED DONG-WOOK" I yelled kinda annoyed. Why did he go through my phone. "More like he texted you. I just answered" I looked over at Han-Seo he just looks down. He doesn't have anything to do with this... right... "I want you to meet up with him later today and tell him you don't want anything to do with him anymore" I roll my eyes. What is wrong with this dude. "what is wrong with you Dong-Wook has been my friend since I was a kid you can't ju-" he cuts me off my slamming his hand on the table I froze in my place "Han-Seo out" Han-Seo hesitates at first but then slowly walks out not wanting to piss off his brother even more. Once Han-Seo is out Jun-Woo gets up from his chair and stands behind me. He slowly grabs my shoulders and sits me back down in my chair then hugs me from my neck softly. I gulp. "Your going to go meet him and your going to end everything. Your going to listen to me right?" Why does he do this why does he make me feel week around him. I nod "answer me" he whispers into my ear "yes sir" a tear slowly slips into my cheek "good girl" he smirks then kisses my cheek where the tear was falling. "Now go or you'll be late" he lets go and walks out and I let out the air I was holding in. I slowly drag my way into the bowling alley "i don't wanna do this" I say practically whinning to myself "c'mon citrus you can do have to" I put my head down and slowly walk in. "Citrus" I look up and see Dong-Wook waving at me I wave back and show a soft smile 'oh I'm going to miss you you giant ball of furr' I thought I then feel a tear slowly fall and I quickly wipe it. I walk towards him  and he immediately hugs me I hug back and this make me even more upset than I was before. I pull back. "Hey so I need to talk to you" he smiles and nods "what's up"  I look at him with a serious face "Dong-Wook i-i think we should put our friendship on pause." His face goes serious "what?" "Atleast just while this case is in process" he put one hand on his hips "Citrus you've got to be kidding me" he says slowly starting to raise his voice "look I'm sorry but I think it's the best for both of us" he look up and  lets out a soft laugh before looking back at me "th-that Han-Seo dude is making you do this isn't he" I look at him in disbelief "don't out Han-Seo into this. He has nothing to do with it what I'm telling you is coming from me not from him" he shakes his head "so your just gonna end almost 20 years of friendship just because of a stupid case" I flick his forehead "I'm not ending our friendship dumb ass I'm just putting it on pause. Think about it it's like when people are in a relationship and they take a brake because they get tired of each other or-" "oh so now your tired of me" I flick him again  "No I'm not tired of you it was just an example" he shakes his head "they made you do this and I can tell" I sigh "Dong-Wook I'm being serious no one made me do it" "YES THEY DID!" he yells "AND WHY DO YOU THINK THEY DID YOU THINK I CANT PAUSE A FRIENDSHIP FOR MYSELF. YOU THINK I NEED SOME TO TELL ME HOW TO DO IT" he grabs my shoulders and takes a sweep breath "citrus stop being dumb I know you wouldn't do this you've always-" I cut him off "look I'm sorry but I can't I have to focus on this case it brakes my heart already to know that I have to go against my best friend ...just please don't call or text me" I push his hands away from my shoulder and speed walk out of the bowling alley. I see Han-Seo and Jun-Woo waiting for me outside their car. Without thinking twice I run into Han-Seo's arms and hug him tightly while I cry a bit he hugs me back tighter. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder "you did great princess" Jun-Woo says in my ear I nod still in Han-Seo's arms. Is this going to be an on going thing now. Is he going to abligate me to do stuff now. Oh Cheeses I better win this case so I can leave Babel and go back to my normal life with my Best friend who I just left behind. DAMM YOU JANG JUN-WOO. "Can we go I have to print out more papers for the trial next week" I say letting go of Han-Seo who nods and opens the door for me. As we get to the building I look out the window to see rain falling outside "what are you all depressed about" Jun-Woo says normally "hmm let me see..I TECHNICALLY JUST RUINED THE ONLY FRIENDSHIP I HAD" he rolls his eyes "oh get over it you can go crawling back to him when you win the case" I turn and walk over to him turn his rolling little chair around then trap him in his chair with my hands "I'm tired of it. I'm tired of you thinking I'm just a puppet that you can do whatever you want with." He looks up at me "I'm not doing that I see the potential in you citrus your a good lawyer im just making sure nothing is in you way" I roll my eyes "and what does that have to do with Dong-Wook" he grabs my hands "look just listen to me and trust me you'll win this case" I sigh and step away from him "whatever I'm going home" I grab my stuff and walk out if I stay any longer I will murder that dumbass.

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