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(Two Months later)
Returning to Babel was very awkward. Walking down the hallway with all their eyes on you like if you were random species that they've never seen before. I didn't know if the stares were either good or bad but I kept walking trying not to make eye contact with anyone but it's hard when you can litterly feel their stares burning down into your soul. Did I do something wrong, do I have something on my face, is my clothes not appropriate. My thoughts are being filled with so much negativity but I shake my head trying to just make my way to my office peacefully but it's as if the hallway gets further and further and I feel like I have been walking a mile now and I'm not getting any close to my office. When I finally stand in front of it I don't hesitate to open the door and slam it behind be. I let out I long breath that I was holding in I move on to close the blinds from the windows so no one from outside my office could see me. What is going on. I sit silently in my desk and go through some papers that were pilled up next to my computer. One paper in particular catches my eye "A criminal record?" I say out loud and rip apart the seals at the top and bottom corners of the paper with my pencil. As I was about to open it a slight knock is heard in my door. I quickly shove the papers into my drawer "come in" I say as I act as i was reading a different paper. "Good morning" Jun-Woo says as he opens the door and only puts his head in. I chuckle "good morning." He makes his way in and closes the door behind him and takes a seat in the chairs in front of my desk. "Me and Han-Seo are going hunting today would like to join?" Can I just say he looks very excited this is the first time in a while that I've seen him had a genuine smile at work. "I would love to but I can't I have lots of paperwork to do." I say going back to reading the paper but he stops me by grabbing my hand "c'mon it will be fun we haven't done anything together in a while." I look at him and sigh. He's right we haven't really done anything together ever since he took the position of the chairman. We still live together but one of us always gets home later than the other we haven't even been able to have dinner together. We have breakfast together atleast once a week but that's not enough. "Fine I'll go but just this once" I say giving in he claps his hands and stands up excitedly. " I promise I'll help you once we get back" he pecks my lips. "Let's go home and change we don't want to be all formal while killing some deers now do we" I shake my head and follow him to his car. I quickly get to the apartment and I change into some comfortable clothes and wait for him. Aren't us lady's supposed to take longer than men? I guess that's different between me and Jun-Woo he usually takes longer than me. "Okay let's go" he says finally coming out it's been a while since I've seen him in casual clothes other than a suit. He always looks good in casual clothes. "Who you trying to impress sir" I say while checking him out playfully he lets out a laugh "hmm I'm trying to impress my future wife have you seen her." I blush and lightly slap his shoulder. "Oh stop lets just go before it gets late." As we made it to a small forest I saw Han-Seo from afar. I waved at him but his smile slowly dropped. Is he not happy to see me or something? We step out of the car and walk up to Han-Seo who hands a riffle to Jun-Woo. As we walk up the forest I explain to the boys how I've never been hunting before.
(Han-Seo's POV)
"So you've never hunted before" I ask even though thats litterly what she just said. "Nope" she responds with a smile "did your parents atleast try to show you" I add she shook her head "My dad was never home, well, he didn't even live with me and my mom to begin with. He'a a lawyer aswell but in America he left when I was very young and after I turned 18 my mom left to join him so I was left all alone in Korea. And Dong-Wook doesn't really like this stuff" I look at her confused "then why did you agree to come" she looked and me and smiled "Jun-Woo asked me to come since we haven't really spent time together." I nod slightly I need to get her distracted with something in order for my plan to come in action. "Oh look a flower patch." She turns to look over where I'm looking "oh that true I'll be right back I'm gonna go pick some flowers" she giggles and runs off. How is she easily distracted. I shake my head and turn to Jun-Woo. "Where did Citrus go." Jun-Woo asks. "She went to look at the flower patch" I point at Citrus's way. He looks over and smiles "she's so beautiful" I roll my eyes and start my plan. "look a deer" Jun-Woo turns and runs towards the direction I pointed. I lift up my rifle and point it at his direction. After some hesitation I finally shoot. I breath heavily as I see Jun-Woo fall on the floor and see Citrus coming my way I hope she didn't see anything. I need to cover this up quickly. C'mon Han-Seo make something up quick.
(Citrus POV)
I make my way back with the boys after hearing a gun shot. I guess they got a deer. But after I stand in front of them I freeze as I saw Han-Seo holding the rifle up and Jun-Woo on the floor I quickly act like I didn't see anything and turn around just before Han-Seo could see me. I turn back while taking a few steps and I then gasp as soon as we made eye contact. "What happened" I run over to Jun-Woo. "Jun-Woo" I slap his cheek slightly "Jun-Woo wake up" I turn over to look at Han-Seo "don't just stand there call an ambulance" Han-Seo starts to tremble as he calls for an ambulance. Getting to the hospital was very nerve wrecking I couldn't hold my tears in. After a while they just started pouring out. Me and Han-Seo were sitting in the waiting area as we wait for the doctor. "I hope he's okay" Han-Seo says and I scoff "stop Han-Seo" he look at me confused "what do mean" as I was about to say something I see the doctor and immediately make my way towards him. "Excuse me is Jun-Woo okay" he turns to me and nods "he lost a bit of blood but he's okay, May I ask what are you to him" I nod "i-I'm his girlfriend can I go see him" he nods again and leads me to his room. As I walk in a tear slowly rolls down my cheeks and I sit in the chair next to him and take his hand in mine. Why would Han-Seo do this. I ask myself as i put my head down while slowly drifting off to dream land.

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