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This picture was my reaction when I finished reading This. Please don't hate me, the plot is going to escalate quickly soon. I promise.

Zayn's POV

They said I was bipolar, due to my drug abuse in my past. They said I should try rehab. They said a lot of things, but none of it was my cure, because she was my cure. I needed to apologize for lying to her. Giving her the wrong impression of me not wanting her. I do want her, even if she doesn't want me, I still want her.

"You need to eat." Harry says sitting across from me frowning.

I push the food aside, "how is she harry? I heard Martin asked her out." My heart aches for her, because he won't make her happy like I did.

"Those are lies. She waits in the waiting room everyday after school." Relief washes over me. Poor Alex. I have been in the hospital for two weeks already, they won't let me go home yet. I get to leave on Friday.

"You need to tell her to leave, and be happy." I say drinking my water.

Harry shakes his head, "Why? You don't even mean that. You love her zayn. Why can't you just tell her. Maybe things would get better."

"You think she would still love after all those nasty things I told her. Huh harry? I had to look her in the eyes, and lie to her. I have nightmares every Night of that day."

"Why did you tell her those things, after she went out of her way setting up your room and buying you that cake for your birthday." Harry stands up stretching.

Cake? "Alex bought that for me?" I ask

"Yeah. She set the whole thing up. She didn't want us to tell you because you guys were on break." He uses air quotes on the word break.

Wow, now I feel shitty. "I need to get out of here and see the sun." I rub my arm.

"You need to tell Alex you love her." Harry picks at my tray of food.

"Why do you care so much about it?"

"Because Louis told me he loves me, and I told Alex, and she started crying. She wants to hear it. From you and nobody else."

"My doctor said I shouldn't get involved with her quickly."

"Screw your doctor. She is old and has no love life. I think you need to get laid. That's just my opinion. But since Alex is my friend, I don't want her to be deflowered just yet."

I chuckle, "She wanted to that night. But then I remembered what Candice sa-" I shut my mouth quickly.

Harry looks at me raising his eyebrow, "Candice? Please Zayn, tell me you didn't."

"No. I have to explain everything, so Jackie and Andy wanted me to sell drugs for them. I told them no, so they are blacked mailed me. They said that they'll tell Alex everything about Max's little sister, the addiction, and Candice. So I sold the drugs, but they tricked me. Candice never swore, so now she wants to tell Alex. That's why I lied to Alex. To save her from a bigger heartache."

The Doctor walks in, "Mr. Malik visiting hours will be over in ten minutes."

Harry nods, "I'll just go now. We aren't done talking about this. see you later. Get some rest and eat." I nod waving bye.

Harry's POV

I walk to the waiting room, louis stands up grabbing his tea, "Does he seem better?"

I sigh, "No. He asked about Alex for the first time, and I told him Alex waits here everyday after school. He can't know just yet, I lied."

Louis nearly spits his tea out, "You can't lie to him. Alex is living her life now. He hurt her. She is moving on, if you couldn't tell. She become the fresh meat at school. All the guys want her especially now knowing her and Zayn broke up. Harry, he is getting out in a week, what are you going to tell him when he goes back to school and sees all the guys flirting with her?"

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