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Alex's POV


"I can't believe you made me move." I say full of hatred, looking out the car window wishing we could still live in the city where all the beautiful lights are at.

"Alex, c'mon lighten up. You are still going to the same school, plus it is nice and quiet over here, it won't be loud like the city was." My mom says

"I don't care mom, I just want to go home." I say closing my eyes, I rest my window against the window. I open them when I feel the car come to a complete stop.

"Well you are in luck kiddo because we are officially home." My dad says turning around to look at me. I groan, he just laughs getting out of the car, making his way to my mom's door to open it for her.

I sit in the car and just stare out the window. I sigh, finally get out of the car. The light breeze hits me and I shiver. I look at the house, it is actually beautiful and big. I walk towards the door, when I hear the big trucks, I turn around to see the moving trucks and they start to unload our belongings. I turn my attention back to the front door and walk inside.

"Oh my lord, Alex this house is just breath-taking huh." My mom says exploring the living room with her mouth open in awe.

I, personally didn't want to admit it but this house is even better than out pervious one. But I can't let my mom know that so I just reply with "Yeah it's something mom." She smiles at me knowing that I actually do like it.

She walks up to my dad and hugs him "Oh honey, this is just perfect for us." I smile, my parents are perfect for each other.

My dad replies with "Well Lana I have to take care of my girls don't I? Even if it means moving, then so be it." He hugs her tighter then places a soft kiss on her forehead. I frown, they didn't have to move to save me.

"Eww watch your PDA, both of you!" I say covering my eyes playfully.

They both laugh, but before they start to get all affectionate in front of me, I decide to head upstairs to find my room. When I make it upstairs, this house is amazing! It has 4 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. I continue to walk down the hallway full of white blank walls that will soon be filled with family photos. I come to the end of the hallway to find a door, I decide I want the room at the end of the hallway. I open the door and I just completely fall in love. The room is perfect size for me, it's not too big not too small, but just right. I smile when I continue to look around the room, I see a door, and when I open it I am blown away when I realize this room has its own bathroom. Hell yeah, I am claiming this room. I decide to walk back downstairs.

"Mom, dad I found the room that I want." I say while looking for them, searching the house. I looked everywhere inside the house, I decide to look outside.

I make my way outside when I see my parents talking to a curly head boy. I stop walking and hide behind a bush right in front of the door so they can't see me. The curly head boy is wearing a white t shirt making his tattoos on his right arm visible with black skinny jeans and some converse on. He has dimples that are so deep, I just want to poke them, and don't even get me started on his beautiful green eyes and his smile can put the stars to shame. He makes me look ugly and I AM GIRL!

After I observed him, I get out of my hiding position and make my way towards them. I try to keep my cool, until the curly one looks behind my parents and looks at me sending me a smile showing off his dimples. I blush and look down till I make my way next to my dad.

"Oh sweetheart this is Harry. He lives across the street." My dad says

"Hi, I'm Alex." I say sending him a small wave and smile.

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