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Just a short filler, no songs in particular to listen to. Next update will be longer. I just wanted to post a chapter since its HARRY's 21 birthday. My little princess 💖💖


Alex's POV

I heard his voice, the comfort of his voice made me frozen, I panicked so I hung up.

I started to pace around the house, breathing fast. Why does he affect me so much? I see Pookie running around playing with these balls that my dad had bought her. I'm so happy Zayn got me her. Oh Zayn.

"Stop Alex. Stop thinking of him. Stop." I tell myself. I sit in the couch fighting my tears as I watch Pookie play. Did he get me cat so I could still feel presence within her?

"Seriously Alex! Stop." I yell at myself when I hear a car drive down the street. Is that Zayn? Did he drive that fast?

I hear footsteps coming closer, I panic when there is knocking onthe door. Nobody replies, I gulp.

The door opens and it's my mom. I exhale loudly. She smiles holding groceries bags, "Excepting someone sweetheart."

I stand up and grab the bags from her hands, "No. Umm I think I'm just gunna invite some friends over. Is that Fine?"

We walk into the kitchen, putting the food away, "yes. It's fine. Nothing big though, I'm headed out with Mary, to this nightclub."

"Of coarse, just Ryan, Sammy, and Charlie. Nightclub? Woah mom."

"No Martin." She changes the subject.

"No, I can't." I say sitting down.

She looks at me raising her eyebrow, "Why not? Please tell me this isn't about Zayn."

I look down. She sighs, "Listen sweetheart, how many times do I have to remind you. Friends are forever. Boys are temporary. Martin is your friend. And if Zayn can't accept that then he is stupid. I like Zayn, but no guy should come between you and yours friends."

I smile because she is right. Martin is harmless, I know I don't have feelings for him. We are just friends. I pull my phone out and decide to do a group message.

Sammy; Charlie; Ryan; Martin:
- need an distraction, bonfire? my house at 11:30? Bring snacks, and some movies. And some games.

- bringing some jelly beans and soda.

- I got weed. Ryan? He hangs out with us now. Welcome to the rock/depressing side.

- we have a new friend. How wicked. Be there at 11:30

- I got the movies. Yikes, you guys don't worship the devil do you.

-ending this annoying group message now. See us later

When they arrive, Charlie helped me put the fire-pit in the backyard. Martin and Sammy arrived shortly after Ryan. We set up the projector and began watching movies. All of us laying down on blankets. My mom came outside wearing a red short dress, the boys whistle.

"I'm leaving now, sweetheart. I'll be back soon. You father is coming home in about two hours. Boys behave yourself, watch these little girls." My mom says walking back inside.

"You mom looks hot." Charlie says, I hit his arm, "Get over your little crush."

"Put something funny on. This movie is scaring me." Sammy says say we watch the gory movie. Blood everywhere.

Martin laughs, "And you called Alex a pussy."

She kicks his leg, "Shut up Martin."

My phone rings, it's zayn. I take a deep breath, hitting the ignore button.

Zayn's POV

She didn't answer, it's been an hour since she called me. I need milk, I walk to the kitchen opening the fridge pouring me some milk.

"Couldn't sleep?" Liam asks, grabbing a cup.

"If I sleep, i dream. And if I dream, i dream of her." I can't sleep.

Liam sighs, "Are you going to tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"About your heroin addiction?"


I should though. To get all the secrets out.

"She deserves to know."

I wash my cup, "Listen, I'm in this crap hole because you told me to let her in so I did. And then she went behind my back and went out."

Liam scoffs, "Don't act like the victim. I know she told you that she was going out. But that's not thing. it's about what you did after you left. You took that whore and went to Andy's house to shoot it up."

"I didn't have sex with that whore! I didn't kiss that whore. I didn't cheat with that Whore!"

"No you didn't, but you went out with her after you fought with Alex. You vowed to never see her again, and touch that crap, but you failed. You failed us, yourself, your dad, and Alex."

I roll my eyes, "For Christ sakes Liam! She goes to school with us! She knows Alex.
It was doom to happen."

"Tell her or I will." Liam says walking away.

He wouldn't dare.

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