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Tomorrow summer vacation starts & that means more sleep & no more stress. WOOHOO

Zayn's POV

I watched her as she walked down the hallway with her head held up, she walked with every bit of integrity she had left. I turned my head slowly watching all their reactions to see her, I felt just as shocked as them. She was still Alex, but she was different.

"This freshman just told me that the rumor was I died." Alex says rolling her eyes as she stood next to me leaning on my locker.

I felt my lips smile, "So tell me, am I dating a insanely sexy ghost." I kiss her jaw, as she tugged my shirt, molding our lips together. She tasted like fresh mint toothpaste, my new favorite taste of hers.

It's been two weeks since Alex has been home, she finally decided to come back to school to finish, "Can you come over tonight?" She asked pulling away from me, her eyes sparkle, that beautiful brown that reminds me I'm the luckiest guy ever.

I shook my head no, "Can't. I have a family dinner." She took my bottom lip with her teeth tugging it. I moan grabbing her waist, reconnecting our lips, "I'll come later." I say in between the kiss.

She laughs pushing me against the locker, "I'll see you later Malik." She winked walking away. I watched as she walked away, her hips swaying swiftly. I think ever since I deflowered her she became a little feisty. She changed, she is much wilder, and wants my attention all the time, although I'm not complaining it's like she is addicted to me. And it's sexy.

I head to class as Harry jogged towards me, "I need your help."

"With what?"

"College applications."

I cringed, "Ask alex. She knows more abut that than I do. Or ask your sister."

"I'm asking you. Can you come by my house later?" He says scribbling in his notebook as i walk to gym.

I have decided that college isn't really for me. When my father and I visited New York, I went to a art studio and they offered me a job after high school. I haven't told the boys yet, but I am considering it.

"Fine." I puff as I stop by the door, "I'll go over."

Harry grins a bit, "You're different. And alex too."

I scoff, "Different?" I feel different too, I haven't told the boys that I had sex with Alex. It's private, mine and Alex's relationship is private. And I prefer to keep it that way.

"Do you two.." He makes a o shape with his finger and with his another stick it in the hole, "Do the nasty?" He laughs out loud then covers his mouth once he realizes he was loud.

My eyes widen, "Stop! It's not your business if I did or didn't." I hit his hand.

Harry laughs, "You did!"

I push him, "Get to class styles." I roll my eyes turning around walking inside the locker room.

I walk to my locker, opening it when someone tapped my shoulder. I turn around taking off my shirt, "Can I help you?"

I asked as Martin stood in front of me, "I don't appreciate you talking about Alex, like she is another one of your sluts."

I scoff, "You really don't want to get on my bad side, starting off by talking about Alex." I warn him taking a step towards him.

He gulps, "I know you had a fling with Candice."

My face softens, "what? Are you talking about?" I try to act oblivious.

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