Chapter 25

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'Trev, I'm gonna call Chris just to tell him I'm not meeting him again okay?" I asked as Trevor lay on our hotel bed, playing on his phone. He looks at me and nods smiling, "Okay Rachel, I trust you."

I smile blowing him a quick kiss before dialing Chris's number as he almost immediately picks up, "Hey Rachel, what's up?" He asks, I could almost see the smile on his face just by his cheerful voice, "Look Chris, I don't want to see you again so please delete my number and move on." I say getting straight to the point.

Chris is quiet as he processes what I just said, it's not until a few minutes later that he speaks, "Is Trevor making you say this, if you're being forced to say this tell me now." He urges.

"Chris, I'm serious-" "And so am I! Tell me right now in person that you actually don't want to see me again, either that or I won't believe you."

"I'm not seeing you again, knowing you you'll try to make me change my mind, but it won't work, I loveTrevor Chris and I don't want to see you again. You're my ex boyfriend for a reason, Our relationship was a mistake and its something I want to keep in the past."

Singing Chris says, "We'll see, you'll be crawling back to me in no time, just you wait and see, bye Rachel... for now."

He hangs up and I stare at the phone in annoyance, what the fudge does he mean?! I walked back over to our bed, Trevor looking up at me as I place my phone on the small table and lie down beside him, "How'd it go?"

"I don't even know anymore." I admit as Trevor's eyes soften in sympathy, "Well, I can help you forget about it." He suggests, slowly coming closer to me. He gets up on his knees and places one on each side of my body, his hands placed on either side of my head as he hovers over me smirking.

"Let me help you." He soothingly whispers as he lowers his lips down to mine so they connect. My hand slips up to his cheek as I deepen the kiss pulling him down so our bodies are moulded together as well as our lips.

I gasp as Trevor bites my lip using it to his advantage to deepen the kiss more. Without breaking the kiss he lifts me up so he can slip off my jacket. Lowering me back down he lets his hands roam my body, from my arms down to my hips, I slightly jump in shock as his thumbs slips into to sides of my jean shorts but he doesn't try to take them off.

Instead he uses my confusion to roam under my top lifting it up and quickly taking it off with my help. "Now it's not fair being the only one topless." I pout as I slip my hands under his top, teasingly lifting it up ever so slowly to annoy him. Taking my hand into his he helps me pull his shirt off connecting our lips back together almost immediately.

"Tell me to stop if I'm going too far." He mumbles as his hands slip back into the sides of my jean shorts, this time slowly edging them down. I softly place my hands on top of his stopping him, "I can't do this," I admit, my heart breaking slowly as I saw his face when he stopped, "I love you Trevor, so much, but you know I want to wait until after marriage."

He nods and sadly smiles, "I just wanted to see if you changed your mind." I return the smile but shake my head, "Its my only wish." I whisper, he nods understandingly, "I know, in that case, I have a question to ask you."

I nod for him to go on as he pulls me up so both of us are sitting up. "I know this isn't the most romantic place to ask, but, Rachel Dillon, you're the love of my life and I know I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with you, I wouldn't want to change anything about you... except one thing,"

Tears glisten my eyes as he holds my shaking hands in his, "Will you marry me?"


Boom! I updated, and he proposed! D'aww isn't that sweet?

So how did you guys enjoy the chapter? A bit weird, confusing? let me know and tell me if you think I need to change anything to make it better :D

Anyway, if you like please give it a quick vote and if you have any ideas for this story dont forget to tell me them in the comments or dm, talk to yous soon!

Rachel out :P

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