Chapter 32

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The day started the same as any other, nobody could have known that by the end of the day our lives would completely change.

I woke up beside Ally, half my body off her bed. I slowly sat up as I felt the blood rush to my head. "Hey Al, what time is it." I asked, Al turned around in the bed so she was facing me and mumbled out something. Sighing I got out of bed and grabbed my phone from the table clicking the home button. The brightness of my screen blinded me for a second a I held it away from my face before finally reading the time, "ten forty one." I spoke out loud and Ally grumbled in response, still half asleep.

Sighing I left her room and walked into mine and Trevor's where he was asleep as well. I sat on my side of the bed and opened my phone scrolling through Twitter to occupy me. Trevor turned around so he was facing me his eyes half open, "You finally came into the room." He yawned, "yeah, I was knocked out after going over that song, but I wanted to come back here." I smiled, Trevor returned a tired smile extending his arms out to me, "C'mere." I placed my phone onto the bedside table and pushed myself down so I was lying down and then into Trevor's arms as he wrapped them around me.

"Relax and try to go back to sleep." He instructed, a few minutes later his breathing slowed down and his grip loosened as he fell asleep. "I love you Trev." I whispered before closing my own eyes.


"Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!" Ally shouted giggling as she bounced on the bed making me groan, "I'm up." I yawn slowly opening my eyes to see her excited face, "We're leaving in an hour for rehearsals, get up and get dressed!" She sang as I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position, I looked beside me to see the bed empty.

"He's downstairs, he said he wanted you to sleep on because you looked tired." Ally explained thankfully sitting on the bed instead of jumping. I grabbed the phone and my eyes widened as I read the time, "It's twenty past one?!" I asked in shock, Ally nodded.

"Yup," she chirped, " So you better hurry and get dressed." She sang lastly before getting up and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

I sighed pushing myself off the bed and going over to my suitcase grabbing an outfit out quickly and throwing it on as fast as I could. I brushed my hair to get rid of the stray tangles and left the room going downstairs. Trevor looked up at me and smiled, "Hello Sleeping Beauty." "Hey." I replied in return going over and pecking him on his lips. " You ready to go?" I looked over at Ally before both of us nodded, "Let me just grab my guitar and your songbook!"


We reached the stadium and walked in side both myself and Ally staring at the place in awe. "Okay Ally, Rachel, your changing room is to the left and Trevor if I'm not mistaken yours is three down from theirs." Blair told us telling us to go change.

"We should leave the song till tonight, not even do a practice on it, make it special." Ally suggested as she left the bathroom wearing one of the outfits on the clothes line that was left out for us. I changed into a pair of black studded jeans and navy blue crop top finishing it off with my leather jacket and a pair of black converse.

"Can Rachel and Ally come to the stage please"


"Oh My God that was sick!" Ally cheered as we ran off the stage, even if it was just rehearsal I still got the same buzz that I usually got after a show. "I'll meet you in the room yeah? Going to tell Trev that he has to be there in a bit." I call before jogging off into the direction of his room.

I quickly knocked and opened his door, "Hey Tr-" I gasped in shock as I stared at the scene in front of me, biting my lip I blinked back the tears, "Hadley?" She was sitting on Trevor, panting softly after breaking their very heated looking kiss.

"Trevor how could you! You Promised!" I shouted allowing the tears to stream down my face, I shook my head in disgust and ran out of his room flinging the door to mine and Ally's opening and slamming it shut and locking it. Ally immediately rushed up to me and hugged me, "Rae what happened?" She asked in concern rubbing gentle circles into my back.

"He- he, him and Hadley, th-they were kissing." I blurt out as Ally hugs me tighter, "Aww Hun you dot deserve that, c'mon lets get you seated." She spoke leading me over to the sofa, "Now, do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head glaring down at the ground, suddenly there was multiple quick knocks on the door, "Rachel open up!" Trevor called in panic as he continued to knock, "Leave her alone Trevor." Ally shouted getting up off the sofa as I slowly brought my knees up to my chest.

"Ally open the door, let me explain it to her." He begged, I glanced and Ally and rapidly shook my head, she nodded already understanding, "Why don't you go Fūck off Trevor, you complete āsshole!" "Please..." he whispered just loud enough for us to hear, "Leave. Her. Alone Trevor. You can't fix anything now. Why don't you go do your rehearsals and we'll see later." Ally said, sounding more like a threat, slowly I heard Trevor's footsteps walk down the hall, she walked back over to me and sat down, hugging me tightly.

"You don't need him Rae, I got you." She promised, rubbing my arm in comfort, "I need to get out for a bit, do you think you can make sure no one knows?" I asked, she sadly smiled and nodded, "Lets get you cleaned up first."

Agreeing, I followed her into the bothroom and she fixed my hair and wiped all make-up off, "There," she smiled, "Much better"


Uhh.... *hides in corner because I dot know how people will react* Hi? Uhm... I love you?

Uh what else can I say so you don't hate me? okay I got nothing but seriously I'm sorry I had to write this chapter but it had to be done and I'm sorry (but at least I'm warning you now) but it will get worse... so how's the weather?

Happy April first I guess :) wish I could say this was a joke but it really wasn't but guys omg guess what?!

My friend text me on Facebook saying she got tickets to Tyler Oakley and she asked if I wanted to come with her and I cried. the my dad reminded me that it was April Fools day and it could be a trick but its actually not and I'm an emotional wreck right now, she show me the tickets they're legit!!

I'm going to see fudging Tyler the fudging Queen Oakley in Dublin on the 23 of May!!!! How fricken unbelievable is that!?

And I'm sorry if you think I'm bragging or anything I'm really not but I can't talk to my friends about it because they'll probably get annoyed and ignore me and yeah so, anyway,

Vote up if you can't believe that the second book is almost finished!!!! Like holy crap that's insane!

Comment below what you think will happen to end this book or what you predict will happen in the final book of the trilogy (-_•) I'm sorry I love that face lol xx

Bye guys can't wait to read you comments and goodnight from meeeee

Rachel out :p

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